Chapter 21

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After the party, Engfa found herself trapped in a difficult situation. Pitchy clung to her, insisting on spending more time together, especially since Pitchy was leaving for the Philippines the next day. Engfa, feeling suffocated, attempted to gently free herself from Pitchy's grip.

Engfa (nervously): "Pitchy, I really need to be somewhere important right now. I can't stay any longer."

Pitchy (stubbornly): "Can't it wait, Engfa? I want you with me."

Engfa (firmly): "I promise we'll catch up soon, but this is something urgent. I'll call you later, okay?"

With a reluctant nod from Pitchy, Engfa managed to slip away, her heart pounding with anxiety. She quickly made her way to the parking lot, her mind racing. As she drove towards Charlotte's apartment, she tried calling her, hoping to explain and make things right.

Engfa (frantically dialing): "Come on, Charlotte, pick up the phone..."

But there was no answer. Engfa's worry deepened. She decided to call Heidi, knowing she could provide some information about Charlotte's whereabouts.

Heidi (picking up after a few calls): "Hello?"

Engfa (urgently): "Heidi, where is Charlotte? I need to meet her right now, it's incredibly important."

Heidi (hesitating): "Engfa, I don't know if it's a good idea. She's upset after the party."

Engfa (pleading): "Please, Heidi, I need to talk to her. Just tell me where she is."

Heidi (sighing): "Fine, she's at my place. I'll send you the location. But please, be gentle with her."

With that, they ended the call, and Engfa drove towards Heidi's apartment, her heart heavy with anticipation.

Heidi greeted Engfa at the door, her eyes carrying a stern expression, while Marima stood nearby, her face reflecting a mixture of concern and disappointment. The weight of the situation was evident on both their faces. Having witnessed the pain Charlotte had experienced, they couldn't help but hold Engfa partially responsible for it. Exhausted from the evening's emotional turmoil, Engfa discovered Charlotte peacefully asleep.

Heidi (accusingly): "She cried so much, Engfa. It was heartbreaking to see her like that. You hurt her deeply."

Marima (firmly): "We had to practically carry her to bed. She trusted you, and you've shattered that trust."

Engfa, her own heart heavy with guilt and remorse, struggled to find the right words. She felt the weight of her actions pressing down on her, realizing the depth of hurt she had caused to someone she cared so deeply about.

Engfa (voice breaking): "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I never wanted to hurt her. I just... I don't know what to do anymore."

Heidi (softening slightly): "You need to talk to her, Engfa. You owe her an explanation."

Marima (nodding): "And you need to make things right. It won't be easy, but it's necessary."

Feeling determined and nervous, Engfa got permission to enter the room where Charlotte was sleeping. Charlotte's tear-streaked face made Engfa's heart ache. She hesitated briefly before lying down next to her.

Engfa observed Charlotte sleeping, her face illuminated by a soft light. Tear stains marked her cheeks, evidence of her pain. Engfa refrained from touching her, not wanting to disrupt Charlotte's sleep. She lay down, aligning her body with Charlotte's, silently connecting with her.

As the night drifted on, Engfa found herself lost in a whirlwind of emotions. Regret, love, and a profound sense of responsibility tugged at her heartstrings. She vowed to herself that next morning, she would confront her woman, no matter how difficult it might be.

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