Chapter 19

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Ever since Engfa and Charlotte cleared the air between them, their hearts beat in sync, yearning for each other's company. Text messages became their day to day routines, exchanged daily updates despite their hectic schedules. Engfa and Charlotte's nightly calls became a calming routine, like a gentle bedtime story. Over time, they talked about their lives in depth.

The time has passed bringing both of them closer to each other. Charlotte's final exams are started and she is very busy with her study. During each days Engfa is supporting charlotte and encouraging her to achieve her goal.

One evening, after one of Charlotte's nerve-wracking exams, Engfa found herself in a makeup room, texting her.

Engfa (Text): Hey Charlotte, how was your day? How did the exam go?

Charlotte (Text): Hey Engfa! You agreed not to ask, but anyway, I think I did well… 🥳 The questions were similar to what I prepared for, so I guess I'm safe for now…🥰

Engfa (Text): Oh, Char, I know you're doing great..🙃 See, I told you not to stress too much. You're one of the most intelligent women I know. So, relax. Don't overthink it.

Charlotte (Text): Okay, okay, superstar😄... Now, spill about your day.

Engfa (Text): Nothing special, really. Tina is being cautious, trying not to overwhelm me with my schedule, fearing I might get sick again.

Charlotte (Text): That's good, I should thank Tina. And seriously, Engfa, you need to take a break.

Engfa (Text): Oh, here we go again.😕 You know I can't baby. The concert is getting closer, and there's still so much to do.

Charlotte (Text): Firstly, I'm not your 'baby,'😏 and secondly, you're the most stubborn person I know.😤 Can't you see that everything else should come after taking care of yourself?

Engfa (Text): Maybe you'll be oneday…🙂🙂🙂

Charlotte (Text): Stop teasing me!😏

Engfa (Text): Ok..ok..
So, how many days do you have left until the end of exams?"

Charlotte (Text): Just three more days. Afte that I am free. 👯👯👯

Engfa (Text): How about I take you out afterward?

Charlotte (Text): Thought you'd never ask.
Oh, and there's something I need to talk to you about.

Engfa (Text): What is it?

Charlotte (Text): I'll tell you when we meet

Engfa (Text): Alright, looking forward to it.
I have to go back now. I'll call you tonight. Don't forget to eat and don't stress too much. You're doing amazing, Char

Charlotte (Text): Goodbye, Engfa. Take care, eat well, drink lot of water, and get some rest…🤍🤍

In the end of their conversations, Charlotte's mind often wandered back to the past few months. Her life had undergone a radical transformation. Engfa, the well known Thai idol, had become an integral part of her life. Previously, Charlotte hadn't even listened to Engfa's music, and now, she found solace in her songs. Engfa's voice had a calming effect on her, a melody that eased her worries. Engfa had become a newfound addiction, filling her life with unexpected joy. While thinking about everything happened in past few months she rememberd the conversation she had with Heidi.


Heidi: "You know, you should tell Engfa."

Charlotte: "Tell her what?"

Heidi: "About you and Mark. Engfa deserves to know about your breakup."

Charlotte: "It's not that I don't want to tell her. I'm just afraid she'll get scared and distance herself from me... She's becoming a part of my life now, and I don't want to lose her again."

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