Chapter 17

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Life had taken an unexpected turn for Charlotte after the revelation of Engfa's new relationship. She felt a growing distance between herself and her best friends, as well as her boyfriend, Mark. Her heartbreak had led her to distance herself from the people who had been closest to her.

Charlotte sat on her cozy apartment couch with a coffee in hand, gazing out at the rainy day. She couldn't help but think about her conversation with Mark.


One evening, as the sun set and cast a warm glow in the room, Charlotte sat down with Mark. She had been feeling overwhelmed by her emotions.

Charlotte: (Tense) "Mark, we need to talk."

Mark: (Concerned) "Sure, Charlotte. What's on your mind?"

Charlotte: (Nervous) "Mark, these past few weeks have been hard for me. My final exams are approaching, and I need to focus on my studies."

Mark: (Worried) "I understand that, Charlotte, but we've always been there for each other. Why the sudden change?"

Charlotte: "It's not a sudden change, Mark. I've been feeling distant for a while now. I need some time alone to sort things out."

Mark: (Struggling) "But, Charlotte, we can work through this together. I don't want to lose what we have."

Charlotte: "Mark, you're a wonderful person, and I don't want to lose you either. I just need some space for now."

Mark: "If that's what you need, Charlotte, I'll give you the space you want."

(End of the flashback)

Weeks had passed, and Charlotte was more focused on her studies than ever before. She had distanced herself from her best friends. The once bubbly and outgoing Charlotte had transformed into a dedicated student, leaving her friends worried and puzzled.

Heidi and Marima had tried to reach out to Charlotte, but it seemed impossible to breach the wall she had built around herself. Whenever they suggested plans, Charlotte always used her studies as an excuse to decline. Her best friends knew what had happened with Mark, and they wanted to talk about it, but Charlotte constantly said she was okay.

But finally, Marima managed to convince Charlotte to attend her book publishing event. Marima had been her best friend for years, and Charlotte couldn't say no to celebrating her success.

On the day of the event, Charlotte and Heidi arrived together. The venue was elegantly decorated, with a warm and inviting atmosphere. Marima was radiant as she mingled with the guests, and Charlotte couldn't help but feel proud of her friend's achievements.

Marima: (Excited) "Charlotte, Heidi, I'm so glad you could make it! This means a lot to me."

Charlotte: (Smiling) "Marima, we wouldn't miss it for the world. Congratulations on your book!"

As they enjoyed the event, Marima had a special surprise. She had invited Engfa as a special guest, given their newfound friendship a chance, and Engfa was a well-known book enthusiast. Charlotte had no idea that Engfa would be attending, but Engfa was aware that Charlotte might be there.

Engfa arrived, looking elegant as always, and was greeted warmly by Marima.

Marima: (Warmly) "Engfa, thank you for coming. It's really great to have Thailand's charm here."

Engfa: (Grateful) "Marima, it's my pleasure. You are an amazing writer. Thank you for inviting me, and I'm happy to be here."

As Marima led Engfa through the event, they eventually reached Charlotte and Heidi. The moment of surprise and recognition was palpable as Charlotte and Engfa locked eyes for the first time in three months.

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