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The burning sensation on her skin didn't faze her anymore, she was used to it, She was used to all of her mothers new husbands doing this to her. Torturing her just because they thought they had the authority to do so.

Aria knew her mother didn't really care, because she kept letting her husbands do this to her. Her only daughter, she let any man destroy her.

The abuse started once her father died, her mother remarried fairly quickly, which never sat right with Aria or Blaise. Every man that came into their lives never liked Aria, maybe because she was a girl. Because they always treated Blaise as if he was a king.

But that didn't mean Blaise didn't comfort Aria when she would get hurt by each man, she always ran to him after, or he would find her crying in her room.

But the crying and pain stopped after a while, it all stopped. She had became numb, no child her age should ever be like that. But she was.

The only people who could bring the best out in her was Blaise and her best friend Pansy. Pansy didnt know what was going on at home and what those men did to her. Aria had thought about telling Pansy, but she knew she couldn't just yet.

It was a peaceful night, the air was crisp as it was a nice summer night. Aria loved the summer nights at the manor, it was comforting to her. Blaise was having a sleepover with his best friend Draco Malfoy. Which annoyed Aria because Blaise rarely talked to her when Draco was around.

Which made twelve year old Aria hate Draco instantly, even though she didn't know him, she didn't care, she thought the boy was taking her twin brother from her.

Aria was sitting in their sitting area as she read one of her favorite books, it was about mystical creatures, she thought they were pretty interesting, especially the ones that everyone had deemed 'scary'.

Aria's body jolted as she heard their front door slam shut, she knew her new step dad was back from his usual night out of drinking, which meant not a good night for Aria.

Chewing the inside of her cheek as she continued to read, praying to Merlin that he would just ignore her and find her mother instead, but her prayers weren't answered that night.

"Hey! What are you doing just sitting on your ass? Do something around the bloody house, stop being so worthless!" His words were harsh and slurred.

She wanted to ignore him, or just tell him to leave her alone, but that would be more trouble for her then.

Quickly closing her book and standing to her feet she inhaled deeply as she saw him charging towards her, his feet stopping directly in front of hers, grabbing her face harshly.

"Are you deaf? Why aren't you moving fast enough?" he spat in her face, his breath seriously reeking of alcohol, but it was nothing she wasn't used to.

Before she could even speak she felt a burning feeling on her cheek, her hand quickly grasping her face as she fell to the floor. Cursing at herself for her legs being so weak and giving up.

The slap was harsh and loud, "I..I'm sorry. I should've moved faster."  she muttered, her curls covering her face in embarrassment.

"Amelle, honey I've been waiting for your arrival, lets go to the kitchen, I have supper in the oven for you." the sound of Aria's mother quickly filled the room, her hurriedly rushing over to the scene.

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