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A/N - TW, pedo & grooming.


'Nothing New'


Aria Zabini

I quickly chug the rest of the whiskey that was in my cup, to be fair, it was a very big cup. 

"Follow me." I mutter, gesturing for Draco to follow behind me, Blaise grabbing my arm to stop me in my tracks. I looked down at him and quickly yank my arm away.

Not right now, I'm angry at him.

I need some air, I feel a bit funny.

I make my way to the back door, leading to the outside garden. 

The evening air was cool and refreshing as I stepped out into the garden, my steps slightly unsteady. The whiskey had dulled the sharp edges of my anxiety but had also left me feeling lightheaded.

I was grateful for the breeze, hoping it would clear my mind a bit.

Behind me, Draco followed, his presence a quiet comfort. I led him through the garden, the moon casting a soft glow over the carefully manicured hedges and flower beds.

"Is this where you're going to kill me." Draco muttered, already seeming annoyed.

I stop in my tracks and quickly turn around, eyebrows furrowed. "Dont give me ideas."

"This is where I had spent most of my time," I muttered. I gestured around the expansive garden. "It's peaceful out here. A good place to escape."

Draco walked beside me, his hands in his pockets. "I know, you and Pans were always out here."

I smiled faintly, bending down as I brush my fingers over the petals of a rose. "Inside the house... it's different. Suffocating, almost. Out here, I can breathe. I can think." I whisper to myself, hoping he truly didn't hear.

I led him along the winding paths, my words spilling out more freely under the influence of the alcohol. "My father designed this garden. He wanted a place of tranquility. After he... after he was gone, it became my sanctuary."

I felt Draco's glance, I didn't want to know if his expression was judging me or not, not right now, I couldn't handle it.

I shrugged it off, my gaze distant. 

Soon, we just walked in silence. The smell of the flowers and the fresh air gave me peace, I didn't care if Draco was with me, I still felt alone.

We made our way inside, the warmth of the house a stark contrast to the cool garden air. I led Draco up the grand staircase, pointing out various rooms as we passed. "That's the library. And down there is the drawing room."

As we reached the upper floor, I hesitate in front of a large, ornate door. "This was my father's study," I said softly, my voice barely above a whisper. "Mother says no one is allowed in."

I moved past the door quickly, my heart pounding. 

Draco followed, his expression unreadable. He seemed to sense my discomfort and didn't make any comments.

I continued down the hall, stopping in front of my own room. I opened the door, stepping inside and motioning for Draco to follow. "And this is my room."

It was a cozy space, with soft drapes, a large bed adorned with cushions, and a desk cluttered with books and papers. The walls were lined with shelves holding various trinkets and memorabilia. It was a stark contrast to the rest of the house, a more personal, intimate space.

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