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'Pre Ball Dinner'


Two Weeks Later

Blaise Zabini 

I stood by the window of my room, the afternoon light casting a warm glow over the furnishings. I had been home for two weeks now, and the joy of reuniting with my mother had been overshadowed by a growing sense of unease. 

Aria had changed. The vibrant girl I remembered seemed to have faded into a ghost of my former self.

I watched as Aria walked across the garden, her movements slow and lethargic. She had lost color in her face. Dark circles underscored her eyes, and she moved as though carrying an invisible burden. 

My concern deepened every time I saw her. She wasn't speaking much, barely eating, and when I did try to engage her, she responded with a sharpness that was completely unlike her.

Flashback to the day before.

"Aria," I spoke, finding her in the library where she sat listlessly staring at an open book. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Blaise," she had snapped, not meeting my eyes. "Just leave me alone."

I had retreated, feeling a sting of hurt and confusion. This wasn't my sister. Something was deeply wrong, and I couldn't shake the feeling that her behavior was tied to Julian's increasing presence in their lives. The man's demeanor had always been abrasive, but lately, it seemed even more so, especially towards Aria.

End of flashback

Today, however, was the pre-Celestial Ball at the Malfoys' estate. Aria had to attend with Pansy, and I hoped that perhaps seeing Pansy would bring some life back into her.

I dressed in my finest robes, the deep maroon fabric embroidered with silver thread. As I adjusted my cufflinks, a knock on the door drew his attention.

"Come in," I called, expecting my mother or a house-elf.

Instead, Aria stood in the doorway, dressed in an elegant, yet subdued, dark maroon gown. Her hair was pulled back in a simple yet stylish updo, little strands of curls falling in front of her face, and she wore minimal makeup, just enough to hide the worst of her exhaustion. She looked beautiful, but there was a lifelessness in her eyes.

"Are you ready?" I asked gently.

She nodded, but didn't speak. Her eyes flicked away, unable to meet my own. I sighed inwardly, offering my arm to her as they descended the grand staircase together.

The ride to the Malfoy Manor was silent, the tension between us palpable. I wanted to ask her so many questions, but I feared pushing her further away. Instead, I resolved to watch over her tonight, to ensure she was safe.

As we arrived, the grandeur of the Malfoy estate was on full display. Aria quickly spotted Pansy and excused herself, leaving me feeling both relieved and worried. I watched her blend into the crowd, her demeanor changing slightly as she forced a smile for Pansy's sake.

Though she had a smile on her face, I could see the exhaustion in her eyes. 

Aria Zabini

I felt a sense of heaviness that seemed to press down on my chest, the weight of the atmosphere nearly unbearable. 

Beside me, Pansy chattered incessantly, her voice a grating mix of complaint and gossip. "You wouldn't believe how unbearable my parents have been these past two weeks, Aria," Pansy said, her tone dripping with frustration. 

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