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No One

Weeks had passed since the heated argument between Aria and Draco. In the aftermath, Draco had become a distant figure, his presence was almost like a faint memory.

When he did appear, his eyes would dart away, avoiding any form of contact or conversation with Aria. She, in turn, found herself indifferent to his silent treatment, focusing on her studies.

One evening, Aria and Pansy sat in the quietude of the Slytherin common room. The embers in the fireplace flickered, casting an amber glow on the dark walls adorned with silver and green.

Pansy, who had been observing Aria's occasional glances towards the entrance, couldn't resist asking, "What's got you so tense?"

Aria's expression nonchalant. "Nothing Pans, just waiting for Blaise."

Pansy leaned back, studying Aria's face for any sign of emotion. "Have you talked to or seen Draco? He's been avoiding us all."

Aria sighed, her fingers tapping rhythmically on the armrest of the chair. "I couldn't care less. If he wants to sulk on whatever is bothering him, let him do that. I have better things to focus on."

As the conversation continued, the entrance to the common room swung open, and Blaise, strolled in. His eyes scanned the room until they settled on Aria and Pansy. With a charismatic smile, he made his way towards them.

"Good evening, ladies," Blaise greeted, taking a seat beside them. "What have you two been up to? "

Pansy hummed, exchanging a knowing look with Aria. "Well, the real question is, what's the deal with Draco? He's been keeping his distance from us for weeks."

Blaise raised an eyebrow, directing his attention to the two, "I thought you two would know why he's been acting like this."

Aria sighed, feeling a twinge of annoyance at the mention of Draco. "Can we just stop talking about bloody Draco, let him be a brat and get over it."

Pansy interjected, "Ari why is it bothering you so much? Did something happen?"

Aria huffed, slouching in her seat looking down at her feet before raising her brows, "I might, maybe, know why he's acting like this."

Blaise looked at his sister, raising an eyebrow at her, leaning a bit forward, "What did you do Aria." he mumbled

Aria glanced up at him and then Pansy before sighing, "I may or may not have gotten into it with him a few weeks ago." she bit her lip slightly, not looking at Blaise because she already knew his expression.

Aria could hear Blaise's sharp inhale, she hated to see her brother mad. It was bad when they were young, she could only imagine how it is now.

Pansy looked over at Blaise with a worried look before finally speaking, "Maybe she had her reasons. You know how Draco is." she tried to reason.

"Yeah, the bloody git told me I needed to get my act together or I wont get an engagement at the Celestial Ball this December." She spat, quickly hushing up from how loud and annoyed she got.

"Oh Merlin's beard." Blaise grumbled, rubbing his temples.

"And! You will not believe how utterly difficult he is! And curse Professor Sinistra putting us as Astronomy partners for the rest of the semester, all because were compatible. News flash-- we aren't!" Aria yelled, finally finishing her rant with a huff, slouching back in her seat and crossing her arms.

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