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'Dead girl walking'



No One

The morning of the day the twins had to go back to Hogwarts, found Aria in a haze. The aftermath of the Celestial Ball had left her grasping for stability, and the whiskey had become a fragile crutch to navigate her days. 

Each morning began with a small glass, just enough to blur the edges of reality and dull the ache that seemed to settle within her.

As she prepared to leave for the train station, Aria dressed in her signature maroon attire. The clothes felt like a mask, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing beneath her surface.

She reached for a pair of dark-tinted glasses, sliding them on to conceal the weariness etched in her eyes. The pounding in her head was a reminder of the previous night's indulgence, a reminder she couldn't afford to dwell on.

Blaise entered her room, didnt care to knock. His expression a mix of concern and frustration. "Aria, are you ready yet?" he asked, his voice stern.

Aria nodded curtly, avoiding his gaze. "Almost," she replied, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

Blaise sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm worried about you Aria, you're changing, for the worse at that."

She turned away, the weight of his words heavy on her shoulders. "I don't know why you're worried Blaise, I am perfectly fine."

Blaise stepped closer, his eyes searching hers. "You can't keep pushing me away, Aria. It's not healthy."

Aria clenched her jaw, a wave of frustration washing over her. "I'll be fine, Blaise," she insisted, her voice tinged with stubbornness.

He studied her for a moment, his expression filled with concern. "I hope you know what you're doing, Aria, because right now, we all need strength." he said finally, his voice tinged with sadness.

She nodded, unable to meet his eyes. "I do. And trust me, I know."

Together, they made their way down the stairs and headed to the dining room, as she sat at the large dining table, the soft morning light streaming through the tall windows of the Zabini manor.

Her mother's icy gaze fixed on Aria with a mixture of irritation and disappointment. The silent disapproval radiated from her, palpable in the air. Aria felt the weight of it but chose to ignore her, taking a slow, deliberate sip of her orange juice instead.

The quiet tension was shattered by the arrival of Julian. He entered the room with an air of authority, his presence commanding immediate attention. Julian's eyes were sharp and predatory as they landed on Aria. 

"Take off those glasses," Julian demanded, his voice cutting through the room like a blade. His eyes narrowed as he waited for her compliance.

Aria didn't even flinch. Instead, she reached for the bright red apple in front of her, the crisp skin breaking with a satisfying crunch as she took a bite. She chewed slowly, savoring the defiance as she met his gaze through the dark lenses.

Julian's expression darkened, but before he could say anything else, Aria stood up. She grabbed her brother by the arm. His eyes darted between their parents and Aria, waiting for the turmoil.

"We need to get going," Aria announced, her tone leaving no room for argument. She pulled Blaise towards the door, the soft thud of her loafers the only sound in the heavy silence that followed her declaration.

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