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No One

The first light of dawn seeped through the curtains, casting a soft glow over Aria's room. The air was charged with anticipation as Hogwarts, the magical realm that awaited her, beckoned in the morning light.

"Ari! Get your ass up!" Blaise walked into Aria's room and threw a pillow at her, causing Aria to sit up in bed, earing a deathly glare towards Blaise.

"Get out!" She yelled, causing Blaise to chuckle and leave the room.

The room, adorned with memories from her childhood and the artifacts of her magical heritage, seemed to echo with the whispers of change. Aria's gaze fell upon the necklace around her neck—a delicate silver chain that held a small, intricately crafted skull pendant.

As she clutched the pendant in her hand, the familiar weight brought a sense of calm. Aria closed her eyes, breathing in deeply to dispel the nervous energy that fluttered within her. The necklace, an anchor to her father, grounded her.

With a decisive exhale, Aria swung her legs over the side of the bed, ready to face the day. The excitement, though restrained by a veil of anxiety, hummed beneath the surface.

The morning routine unfolded—robes adorned, hair done, and the pendant securely fastened around her neck. Aria's reflection in the mirror held a gaze that mirrored the duality within her—anxiety masked by a veneer of composure.

As she descended the staircase, the scent of breakfast greeted her. Her mother, stood in the living space. Blaise, lounged at the table, his eyes lighting up as she entered.

"Morning, Ariii," Blaise greeted, a playful grin dancing on his lips.

Aria scowled at him, causing him to chuckle as she took a seat next to Blaise, waiting for the house elves to plate their food and their mother to come and sit with them.

"Good morning, twins," their mother spoke, making her way over to her side of the table, "Are your trunks all packed for the journey?"

Blaise nodded, his voice steady as he spoke for the two. "Yes, Mother."

Their mother approached, grabbing Aria's chin. "You carry the Zabini legacy with grace and pride. You walk around like its a privilege to even be in the same room as you, because it is."

Aria gulped slightly, nodding a bit as her mother took her hand off of her chin and sat in her chair.

Breakfast passed in a blur, the minutes ticking away with a sense of urgency. The Zabini family, bound by both blood and magic, gathered their belongings and Apparated to the train station.


The platform was a flurry of activity, families bidding farewell to their young wizards and witches. Aria's gaze swept across the sea of faces, the big scarlet red train stood before her, in all its glory.

Blaise nudged her, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "Ready for the adventure, sis?"

Aria nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. The anxiety was still there, but beneath it simmered the excitement for the unknown. The necklace around her neck whispered tales of strength and resilience, a silent companion in the journey that lay ahead.

"Twins," she intoned, her voice smooth as silk but carrying the weight of authority. "Remember who you are. Zabini's do not falter, and they certainly do not show weakness. Hogwarts is a place of opportunity, but it is also a den of ambition. Make alliances, but do not let your guard down. The world is a game, and only the cunning emerge victorious."

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