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Draco Malfoy

I was patrolling the dimly lit halls, my prefect duties commanding my attention. The corridors echoed with the soft footsteps of students returning to their common rooms.

Suddenly, my attention turned to a familiar voice, and a familiar name being thrown around. So, to perk my curiosity, I followed where the voices carried.

"I'm telling you, Ron, something's off about that Zabini," Potter's voice carried a note of suspicion. "I overheard her talking with Pansy, she seems up to no good."

Weasley chimed in, his voice echoing the skepticism in the air. "Mate, you can't just jump to conclusions. Maybe they were just discussing class or something."

"But explain her coming up to us in the hall earlier? Why was she in the empty parts of the hallway, at that time?" Hermione butted in, her voice unsure but not in disbelief 

I scoffed, I couldn't help but just get utterly annoyed from how stupid these gits are. Aria is far from suspicious or dangerous, or that's what my father says at least.

Granger spoke again, "But, Harry, you can't let your paranoia get the best of you. Aria is a Slytherin, yes. Is she just like those other snakes? Yes, but that doesn't mean she's automatically working for the Dark Lord."

I needed to make my presence known before they get to carried away with their assumptions.

"Potter, Weasley, Granger," I drawled, stepping into the alcove with an air of nonchalance.

Potter shot me a glance, while Ron and Hermione exchanged uneasy looks. "What do you want, Malfoy?" Potter asked, he sounded hostile

I ignored the hostility, deciding to address the topic at hand. "I couldn't help but overhear your little discussion about Zabini. What are you three bloody gits talking about now?"

Potter scowled, "It's none of your business, Malfoy."

I smirked, reveling in the opportunity to stir the pot. "Ah, but it is my business if you're spreading baseless accusations. What's your gripe with Zabini?"

He hesitated, glancing at Weasley and Granger before responding. "I just think she might be involved in something."

I chuckled with amusement. "And how do I not know you might be involved in something worse." 

Potter stood there, taken back. 

"I-I'm not! Don't accuse me of such things!" He retorted.

My smirk never left my face, I moved closer to the three, leaning in to look Potter in the face, "Then don't accuse others of such things either. Don't like it right?" I say before turning on my heels and walked away, continuing my duties.

Leaving the trio to ponder the enigma that was Aria Zabini. I wasn't defending her out of concern for her image; I simply had no interest in being associated with baseless conspiracy theories.


I walked into the common room, I finished my afternoon prefect duties. Scanning the room for Blaise, he was lounging in a plush armchair by the fireplace, engrossed in a book.

What a bloody git.

Blaise looked up as I approached, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Rough day, mate?"

I sighed and took a seat opposite of him. "You could say that. Potter and those two gits are already coming up with their conspiracies' about the other Zabini."

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