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Aria Zabini

I sat in my dimly lit dorm room, surrounded by a soft glow of star-shaped fairy lights that adorned the walls, Pansy hung them up, was a nice touch.

Pansy lounged on her bed, looking at me with a pout on her face. "I still cant believe we cant hang out tonight."

I sighed, glancing at the clock on the wall. "I know, Pans, and I'm really sorry. This astronomy class is essential for me, and Professor Sinistra is quite strict about my attendance. I promise we'll have a proper night out soon, just the two of us."

Pansy's disappointment was evident as she kicked her feet against the bedspread. "Fine, but you owe me, Ari. Big time."

I gave my friend an apologetic smile, grabbed my wand, and began twirling it expertly, muttering a few incantations under my breath. My wardrobe magically opened, revealing a collection of the expensive robes I got before.

Grabbing one of the many robes inside and putting it on.

As I left the dormitory, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was letting my friend down. Nevertheless, the astronomy tower awaited.

I made my way through the dark corridors of Hogwarts, finally arriving at the astronomy tower just in time for the class to begin.

As I entered the classroom, my eyes scanned the room. There were mostly Ravenclaws in the class, but there was a good few of Slytherin's.

I quickly found a seat, trying to focus on the upcoming lesson. However, Professor Sinistra had other plans. With a dramatic sweep of her shawls, the eccentric professor announced,

"Class, today we shall explore the intricate connections between celestial bodies and the zodiac signs. Fate has brought us together, and you shall discover your celestial partner for the term."

Her announcement caused me to roll my eyes, my aunt had always been a very spiritual woman. But I didn't let that facade fool me, she was very arrogant and blood proud.

She was just like any other Zabini.

My heart sank as Professor Sinistra began pairing students based on their zodiac signs. Professor Sinistra beamed and announced, "Miss Zabini and Mr. Malfoy, you shall be partners for this term. Embrace the cosmic energy that binds you!"

I mentally cursed at my aunt as I locked eyes with Draco. Fate had a twisted sense of humor, and it seemed determined to make my life more complicated than ever.

I knew that my aunt did this on purpose as well, I looked around the room as I noticed purebloods sat with purebloods, everyone else was just partnered with whoever.

I raised a brow at the Professor before getting out the current seat I was sitting in to join Draco in the back, where he was sitting. Since he obviously wasn't moving from his.

As we joined forces for the class, I couldn't help but wonder how this partnership would unfold, in the realm of astronomy, of course.

"Now that you all have partners .. lets go through tonight's assignment. You and your partner will go through your textbooks and do research about each others zodiacs. Then, you'll compare your zodiacs and see why you two are bound by the celestials."

I glared at Draco, who seemed more interested in twirling his quill than engaging in the task at hand. Frustration simmered within me as I began to list the traits that his zodiac had.

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