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No One

Two weeks had passed since everyone began their grueling training with the Dark Lord. The sessions had been intense and unforgiving, pushing them to their limits both physically and mentally. 

Aria, in particular, had shut herself off from everyone, speaking only when necessary and even then, usually only to hurl insults during duels.

One morning, like every morning, Aria sat in the garden, under the shade of a large tree, journaling. Writing was always her lifeline, the only thing that made her feel somewhat human amidst the darkness consuming her. 

She poured her thoughts onto the pages, a silent testament to the struggles she faced and the battles she fought within herself.

Unbeknownst to her, Pansy and Blaise were in Draco's room, looking out the window at her. They watched as she wrote, her face peaceful, a stark contrast to the turmoil inside her.

"How can someone look so peaceful, but have so much going on." Blaise mused, his eyes lingering on Aria.

"She looks peaceful when she writes," Blaise added, a hint of sadness in his voice.

Draco scoffed. "She's out there every morning, writing in that stupid journal."

Pansy raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "Have you been watching her every morning, Draco?"

Draco bristled, quickly trying to defend himself. "It's my garden. She's overusing it."

Pansy exchanged a knowing glance with Blaise, but neither said anything further. They could see the tension between Draco and Aria, and they knew it wasn't just from the training. Something deeper was at play.

Outside, Aria closed her journal and leaned back against the tree, her eyes drifting shut for a moment. The garden was a sanctuary, a brief escape from the relentless pressure she felt inside the manor. But even here, the shadows of her training loomed, a constant reminder of the path she was on.

She felt someone's gaze on her and opened her eyes, looking up towards Draco's window. She couldn't see anyone, but she knew they were there. With a sigh, she gathered her things and stood up, brushing the grass off her clothes. She had to stay strong, had to keep pushing through, no matter how much it hurt.

Aria made her way to the kitchen, the clatter and hum of the house-elves at work barely registering in her mind. She moved with a purpose, heading straight for the fruit basket and grabbing a red apple. 

Without hesitation, she crossed the kitchen to the whiskey cellar, selecting a bottle of whiskey. Taking a bite of her apple, she uncorked the bottle and took a sip, feeling the burn of the whiskey mix with the sweetness of the fruit.

With her bottle and apple in hand, she left the kitchen and made her way up the stairs. As she walked, she took another bite and another sip, lost in her own thoughts. The days of training had been relentless, and she sought solace in the small pleasures she could find.

Halfway up the stairs, she encountered Draco, Blaise, and Pansy, who were just leaving Draco's room. Aria glanced at them briefly, intending to walk past without a word. But Blaise stepped in her path, concern etched on his face.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice gentle.

Aria gave a curt nod, trying to brush past him. But then Pansy reached out and gently grabbed her arm. Aria's eyes darted down to Pansy's hand before looking back up at her, a warning in her gaze. Pansy quickly let go, offering an apologetic smile.

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