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'No Choice'



Aria Zabini

The anticipation hung heavy in the air as I stood before my wardrobe, searching for something suitable to wear. Tonight was the night I had been dreading — the night I would meet with the Dark Lord himself.

I ran my fingers over the soft maroon velvet of my dress, a simple choice to ward off the chill of the evening. Underneath, I wore a black blouse, opting for comfort and practicality over extravagance. 

I glanced at Pansy, who was now brushing her hair out, basically fighting with her bangs as she always did.

I sat at my vanity and meticulously started arranging my curls into a half-up, half-down hairstyle; adding a black bow in the back to finish it off.

The knock on the door startled Pansy and I both, exchanging a nervous glance before I moved to open it. Blaise and Draco stood on the other side, their expressions unreadable.

Blaise offered his arm to me, a gesture we had shared since childhood, a silent reassurance amidst turbulent times. I looped my arm through his, feeling my heart slow down just a bit.

We all made our way to Draco's dorm room where Narcissa waited for all of us. The atmosphere was tense as we gathered in the dimly lit room. Narcissa's gaze swept over Pansy and I, a hint of maternal concern in her eyes.

"You all look lovely," she remarked softly. "Are you ready?"

I exchanged a glance with Pansy and Blaise, each of them nodding in silent agreement. We all interlocked arms, forming a circle of unity and determination. With a steadying breath, Narcissa Apparated us to the Malfoy Manor.

The sensation of Apparition was disorienting, a sudden twist and pull that left me momentarily breathless. When we reappeared in the grand entrance hall of the manor, I took a moment to gather myself together. 

Bellatrix greeted all of us, the silver in her hair gleaming in the soft candlelight. "Welcome kiddies," she said with a cackle, her voice carrying an air of authority. "The Dark Lord will see you shortly."

We all made our way to the dining room, the heavy silence of the Malfoy Manor pressed against me as I sat at the grand dining table. The opulence of the room did little to ease the tension that coiled in my stomach. 

Blaise sat next to Draco, across from Blaise, I sat with my hands clenched tightly in my lap. Next to me, Pansy sat.

I could tell everyone's nerves were palpable, the anticipation thick in the air. We knew why we were here. Lord Voldemort had summoned us, and ignoring his summons was not an option.

My heart pounded in my chest, a relentless rhythm that seemed to echo in the vast room. I tried to focus on my breathing, on the feel of the polished wood beneath my fingertips, but it was no use.

The sudden creak of the door opening shattered the silence, and every head turned sharply towards it. Everyone's head but mine. I couldn't bring myself to look up, to face what was coming.

I stared at the table, willing myself to move, but I was frozen, trapped in a moment of paralyzing fear.

Voldemort entered with a slow, deliberate stride, his pet snake Nagini slithering close by his side. The Dark Lord's presence was suffocating, his aura of menace seeping into every corner of the room. 

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