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No One

Aria sat on her bed, flipping through a book, lost in her own thoughts. The party to commemorate Slytherin's victory against Gryffindor in Quidditch was fast approaching, and the festive energy was contagious.

Pansy barged into the dormitory, a sparkle in her eyes. "Come on, Aria! We can't just sit here all evening. This is Slytherin's time to shine!"

Aria looked up from her book, her expression unenthusiastic. "I don't see what the big deal is. It's just a Quidditch match."

Pansy rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "Oh, come off it, Ari. You know it's more than that. It's about pride, dominance, and showing those Gryffindor's who's truly superior. Now, get up. We've got a party to attend."

Aria sighed, reluctantly closing her book and standing up. "Fine, fine. I'll come. But I'm not dressing up like I'm going to the club."

Pansy smirked mischievously. "Oh, you'll change your mind when you see what I've got for you."

Aria raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Without further explanation, Pansy rummaged through her trunk and pulled out a slinky,  maroon dress. She tossed it at Aria, who caught it with a surprised expression.

"What's this?" Aria questioned, inspecting the dress.

"It's a dress, obviously," Pansy replied, as if it were the most straightforward answer in the world. "Put it on. We need to make a grand entrance."

Aria held the dress up to her body, eyeing it skeptically. "I am not going out in this."

Pansy rolled her eyes. "Nonsense! Now go on, change. We need to do our makeup!"

With a sigh, Aria disappeared behind the privacy of her changing wall, slipping into the dress. It clung to her figure more than she was accustomed to, but she couldn't deny that it looked amazing on her.

As she emerged, Pansy's eyes widened in approval. "See? I told you. You look stunning."

Aria tugged at the hem of the dress, feeling self-conscious. "Pansy, one wrong move and my whole butt is out!."

Pansy rolled her eyes and shook her head, "That's even better, now go do that hair of yours!" Pansy quickly pushed Aria towards her desk, causing Aria to sit down.

Aria huffed and got to work with her hair, causing Pansy to make a noise of approval before doing her own thing. 

Aria sprayed water on her hair and added some product into it, doing her edges right after, adding a black headband to finish it off before starting her makeup.

Aria was the type to always wear her makeup proudly, she was never ashamed of her bare face, she just thought that it enhanced her beauty even more. She wasn't shy with her makeup.

Aria added a bit of concealer and powder, following with contour and blush. The, she added some mascara to her lashes and added some pretty natural lashes on. Finally, she added some glitter under her eyes.

"Alright beauty queen, lets she the final result." Pansy said from behind her, causing Aria to turn around in her chair, looking up at Pansy.

"You look amazing Ari! You're definitely getting someone's attention tonight." Pansy teased as she wiggled her eyebrows.

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