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'New Beginnings'


No one

The Zabini Manor lay quiet under the silvery glow of the moon, a tapestry of shadows and secrets. Aria found herself standing at the window of her room, gazing out at the familiar landscape that seemed to have changed in subtle ways during her absence. The night air held a crisp chill, and a gentle breeze whispered through the trees.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door. Turning, Aria saw her mother, framed in the doorway. "Aria, I need you to come downstairs this instant, there's much to discuss with you."

Letting out a slight groan of annoyance, Aria moved from her windowsill to follow her mother out of the room and down the steep steps.

Aria followed her mother to the elegant sitting room, her eyes meeting Blaise's as he gave her a quick glance. The room adorned with plush furniture and gilded accents. Her mother motioned for Aria to take a seat, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of excitement and solemnity.

"Firstly, welcome home Aria, your brother terribly missed you," Her mother began began, her voice carrying a slight sound of annoyance.

"I know adjusting might take some time, but I have news that might lift your spirits."

Curiosity flickered in Aria's eyes as her mother continued. "The Annual Celestial Ball is approaching, scheduled for December. You remember the grand event, don't you?"

Aria's lips tightened into a thin line. The Celestial Ball—a tradition in the wizarding world where pure-blood families showcased their sons and daughters of marrying age. Aria had been raised with the knowledge of these events, where society's expectations and family alliances played a crucial role. She couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort that settled in the pit of her stomach.

"I remember," Aria replied, her voice carrying a hint of resignation.

Her mother's expression hardened. "I don't get your apprehension, Aria, it's a part of our world, and you are a Zabini. There are expectations we must meet."

Aria deeply sighed, her gaze distant. She had always felt the weight of her family's legacy, but the thought of being on display like a prized possession left her uneasy.

Her mother reached into the folds of her robes and produced a sealed envelope. "However, I have another piece of news for you."

Aria frowned, taking the envelope from her mother's hands. As she opened it, she discovered a parchment bearing the official seal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her eyes widened as she scanned the contents—a letter of acceptance.

"I've arranged for you to attend Hogwarts," she explained. "It's a prestigious school, and I believe it will provide you with an excellent education."

"You will not send me off to France and then expect me to turn around and start a new life down at Hogwarts, which if I may, seems overrated." Aria huffed as she ignored Blaise's surprised gaze and her mothers furious one.

"Do you fail to realize that you are still sixteen years old, you still need to go to school and get an education. Now, you will stop with this rebellion you seemed to gain and just deal with it." her mother spat.

"You won't be alone, Ari, me and Pansy will be there for you, and I'm quite sure you'll make some friends there as well." Blaise tried to reassure her, his gaze fixed on her.

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