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Aria Zabini

I awoke to the gentle embrace of morning sunlight filtering through the curtains of my room. The events of the night lingered in my mind – the shared stories, the laughter by the lake, and the sense of belonging with Blaise.

With a stretch and a yawn, I sat up in bed, feeling the cool breeze that wafted through the open window. Furrowing my eyebrows, "I don't remember leaving that open."

My wardrobe, adorned with elegant robes and magical garments, awaited my selection. I chose an all black outfit. A black cropped top and a black skirt, along with black stockings and black heeled shoes. 

Looking into the mirror of my vanity, my eyes trialing down towards the necklace my mother gave me right before I left, biting the inside of my cheek gently, my fingers tracing around the snake.

I was taken out of my thoughts once I heard a knock on my door, jumping slightly before turning my head towards the door, seeing Blaise opening her door, his eyes meeting hers.

"I was going to ask if youre ready but I obviously see you aren't, with that lions mane of yours." He teased as I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Well if you excuse me, I am grateful for my lions mane, I'd rather not be bald like you." 

Smirking after hearing Blaise's teeth smack, grabbing my hairbrush as I began to brush my hair, thoughts of the upcoming journey to Diagon Alley filled my mind. I could almost hear the bustling activity of the wizarding shopping district.

Spraying my hair with water as I put my hair creme into it and brushed it some more before grabbing one of my hair ties and putting my hair up in a low half up half down hairstyle.

"I'm quite curious Ari, how in the bloody hell do you sound French accent but youre British." He teased.

I glance over at him through my mirror, chuckling a bit before putting gel in my hair to slick it back a bit, adding a black bow into my hair.

"I've been in France for four years, you kinda pick up some things." I smile, turning around to face my brother sitting on my bed, his body slightly stiffening up slightly.

"Before you speak, maybe one day I'll tell you everything. Just not today." I say softly as he nods and gets up from the bed.

"You ready to go?" I say clearing my throat slightly and grabbing my bag.

"Yeah, were going to meet Draco and Pansy there. Let's get going before mother questions why we haven't left yet."

I nodded, walking out of my room knowing Blaise was following behind me, making my way down the stairs, avoiding eye contact with any of the house elves. Blaise and I made our way to our fireplace, our mother interrupting our quick exit.

"You two please do not cause havoc when out, do not embarrass me and our family name." She said sternly.

"Yes mother." Blaise spoke as our mothers eyes trailed over to me, slowly walking up to me her eyes trialing down my silhouette. 

My mother had always judged my clothes before I left out in public, now I had to deal with them once again.

"Alright, you two can go." She muttered and walked out of the living space.

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