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Aria Zabini

It had been precisely seven days since I had a moment in the bathroom, when the air crackled with unspoken tension, and Draco Malfoy's lips on mine.

In the aftermath, I had done my utmost to bury the memory deep within the recesses of my mind, to pretend it never happened, just my luck that it was very easy.

It meant nothing.

I sat at my usual table in the library, my focus entirely absorbed in the pages of an ancient wizarding text. The words started to blur, my mind drifting away from the content.

The memory lingered, an elusive specter haunting me every waking moment. Not because I wanted to remember or care, but because it angered me.

It angered me how much I let him get to me.

Today was no different. As I delved deeper into my studying, I felt a presence before I even saw the person, a prickling sensation at the nape of my neck that signaled their approach. I stiffened imperceptibly, my fingers tightening around the spine of the book.

"Mind if I join you?"


I looked up to find Draco Malfoy standing before me, his silver eyes searching my own. Not even in a second, I knew my answer.

"Go find somewhere else to sit." I muttered, keeping my eyes on the book, avoiding any other contact with him.

"We need to talk," he began, his voice low, almost hesitant.

I bristled at his words, the familiar surge of anger rising within my chest like a tempest unleashed. "Do we?" I retorted, my tone sharper than intended, laced with a bitterness I truly couldn't hold back.

I could feel Draco shift, sitting in front of me, "I am not going to act like nothing happened," he implored, his voice barely above a whisper.

My hands clenched into fists beneath the table, my nails biting into the flesh of my palms. "Why not?" I shot back, my voice tinged with a hint of desperation. "Its nothing to make such a fuss about."

I didn't really understand his desperation, he had Astoria and I had.. Laurent?

I glance up at Draco to read his expression, he had been quiet for far too long. But just when I look up I notice Laurent behind him, panic filled my veins.

Bloody hell, timing.

"I am done wasting my breath with you. Now seriously, leave me alone."

And with that, I quickly grabbed my things and walked away, making sure Laurent didnt see me.


I sat perched on my bed in my dimly lit room, messing with the corner of the page of the book I've been reading.

Pansy lounged on the adjacent bed, her gaze flickering between the pages of a magazine. A tension lingered in the air, palpable yet unspoken, as if she was waiting for me to say something.

"Aria," Pansy finally broke the silence, her voice edged with curiosity. "You've been quiet all week. Is everything alright?"

I hesitated, my fingers tracing patterns on the quilt beneath me. I knew I couldn't keep it bottled up any longer, but I didnt want to have that conversation with Pansy right now.

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