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Aria Zabini 

As I sat in bed, the heavy velvet curtains drawn tightly to keep the world at bay. The faint morning light struggled to penetrate the thick fabric, casting the room in a perpetual twilight. 

I clutched a book to my chest, its pages long forgotten as I let my mind wander. The excuse of a being sick had worked to perfection.

I sigh, letting myself sink deeper into the plush pillows.

A knock on the door shattered my fragile peace. I expected Pansy or perhaps Blaise, both of whom had a knack for ignoring my desire for solitude. I groaned inwardly but forced myself to sit up, smoothing my hair and adjusting the covers to maintain the illusion of illness.

"Come in," I called, faking a weak voice.

The door creaked open, but instead of Pansy's familiar silhouette or Blaise's casual stance, a tall figure stood in the doorway. Draco. His sharp, gray eyes locked onto mine with an intensity that made my stomach churn.

I roll my eyes and quickly slouched, giving an annoyed look towards him. Getting out of bed and walking towards him, my hands crossed in front of my chest. 

"Malfoy," I said, the surprise evident in my tone. Before I could mask my reaction, I reached to close the door, but Draco's hand shot out, holding it open.

"Zabini," he said, his voice low and determined. "Avoiding me now? I didn't think you were the type."

I bit my lip, saying nothing, and turned away from him, retreating to my bed. I pulled the covers up, hoping the gesture would be enough to make him leave.

Draco was not so easily dismissed. He closed the door behind him with a soft click and crossed the room, his presence as unyielding as ever. "You can't ignore me forever," he said, standing at the foot of my bed. "We have to work together eventually. The Dark Lord will expect it."

The mention of the Dark Lord sent a jolt through my body. I threw off the covers and leapt to my feet, facing Draco with a dark glare. "Must you remind me of that every time we speak?" I snapped, my voice trembling with frustration. 

"My life is not my own anymore. I don't need you reminding me of that fact every second of the day."

Draco's expression softened, but only slightly. "I'm not the enemy here. We're in this together, whether we like it or not."

"Together?" I scoffed, stepping closer until I was mere inches from his face. "Don't pretend to care about my fate. You're just as trapped as I am, but that doesn't mean we have to suffer each other's company."

His eyes narrowed, his jaw tightening. "You think I want this any more than you do? We're all just pawns, Zabini. But that doesn't change the reality. We need to be ready when the time comes."

I could feel my hands clench into fists at my sides. "I'm so tired of hearing about being ready. No one ever asks what I want."

Draco's gaze hardened again, this time with a hint of understanding. "What do you want then?" he asked quietly.

To be honest; I was taken aback by the sincerity in his voice. For a moment, I faltered, the anger draining away to reveal the raw, aching truth beneath. "I want... I want my life to be mine again," I whispered.

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