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No One

Aria blinked her eyes open, a dull ache resonating through her skull. The soft rays of morning light filtered through unfamiliar surroundings, casting a pale glow on the room. She squinted, trying to make sense of her surroundings, but a foggy haze enveloped her mind.

As she shifted on the bed, Aria's eyes widened in realization. This wasn't her dorm. Panic gripped her momentarily, the remnants of last night's revelry still lingering in the shadows of her fragmented memory. Her heart quickened as she surveyed the unfamiliar room, an anxious uncertainty settling within her.

"No, no, no." She muttered to herself.

Just as her thoughts spiraled into the realm of assumption, the door creaked open, and Blaise  emerged from the bathroom. His expression shifted from mild concern to a knowing smirk as he caught sight of his sister.

"Well, look who's finally up," he teased, walking into the room.

Aria's gaze darted around the room once more, her mind desperately grasping at the fragments of last night's events. "Blaise, how in the bloody hell did I get in here?" 

"Your memory must be shot. Were in the boys dorms. Draco and I carried you back here after you got a little too crazy."

Aria's eyes widened in realization, a wave of relief washing over her. "Oh, thank Merlin," she muttered under her breath.

Blaise approached her, a small vial of potions in his hand. "You need these. They'll help with the headache. You really went all out last night."

Aria winced as she took the vial, her brother's words registering slowly. The room was too bright, and her head pounded in rhythm with the pulsating light. "What happened last night?" she mumbled, attempting to recall the elusive details.

Blaise smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, you insisted on dancing on the tables, and Draco had to carry you back here. You were a real hit with the Slytherin crowd, I'll tell you that."

Aria's eyes widened, the pieces of the puzzle slotting into place. "Oh, Merlin. Malfoy..." Her voice trailed off, the implications of her actions slowly dawning on her.

Blaise laughed, patting her on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it. It was a good night. Now, take those other meds, and maybe next time, pace yourself a bit."

Aria nodded and rubbed her eyes a bit, opening the vial and sipping it quickly, trying to ignore the disgusting taste out of her mouth.

Aria huffed and quickly flopped back onto the bed, covering her body with the covers as she tried to re imagine what happened after she blacked out.


Aria swayed unsteadily, her eyes glazed with the effects of the night's libations. Her gaze met Draco's, a flicker of recognition in her eyes that seemed to struggle against the fog of inebriation.

"Four years ago... the night I left." she admitted, her words hanging in the air like a whispered secret.

The revelation sent a chill down Draco's spine, confirming his suspicions that Aria's memories were a fragmented tapestry. He masked his surprise, allowing her to continue.

Aria's eyes searched his face, as if trying to unlock the hidden vaults of her memories. "I got sent away that night, I was all the way in France. Long ways from home obviously."

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