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'Celestial Ball pt. 2'



Aria Zabini

Taking a deep breath, I turned my glance back over to the two boys in front of me. I placed my hand in Draco's.

"Shall we?" I speak, barely above a whisper.

I felt a pang of anxiety as I took Draco's hand, knowing that Laurent had hoped to dance with me. I caught Laurent's surprised expression, his eyes flickering with disappointment before he masked it with a polite smile. I gave him an apologetic look.

As I turned to Pansy, she saw the same surprise reflected in my eyes. Pansy, who was now accepting the hand of another boy, gave me a small, reassuring nod, as if to say, "It's okay." I drew in a deep breath and focused on Draco, whose presence beside me was strong and steady.

Ignoring Astoria's muttered comments of anger, I looked up at Draco as he led me to the middle of the dance floor. Astoria's sharp words were like distant noise, easily dismissed as Draco and I found our place among the other couples. 

We waited as the remaining girls chose their partners and everyone took their positions. I felt a mixture of nerves and excitement. I had learned this dance like all the others, the steps ingrained in my memory from years of practice. Yet, this time felt different. The significance of dancing with Draco, under the watchful eyes of our peers, added weight to every movement.

As the music began, a soft, melodic waltz, Draco's hand tightened slightly around mine. We moved as one, our steps perfectly synchronized. It was as if we had danced together all our lives. The intricate steps flowed naturally, each turn and twirl executed with grace and precision.

I felt the warmth of Draco's hand on the small of my back, guiding me effortlessly across the floor. His touch was firm yet gentle, his movements confident. I glanced up at him, finding his gaze already on me. There was an intensity in his eyes, a depth of emotion that took me by surprise.

The dance brought us closer, our bodies moving in harmony with the music. I could hear the soft rustle of my gown, the rhythmic beat of my heart matching the tempo of the waltz. 

As we glided across the floor, I became acutely aware of the envious glances from the other girls, the whispered speculations from the spectators. 

My mind raced with questions, curiosity gnawing at me. I stole a glance at Draco, his expression focused yet distant, a barrier firmly in place.

"Draco," I began softly, my voice barely above a whisper, "Why did you choose to dance with me and not Astoria?"

Draco's eyes flickered with something unreadable, his grip on my hand tightening slightly. For a moment, I thought he might ignore the question, but then he spoke, his tone measured and careful. "Why does it matter?"

His answer was vague, offering no real insight into his motives. I could sense the wall he had put up, a barrier that prevented me from seeing the truth. 

I sighed, accepting his avoidance, "It's just... unexpected," I said quietly, my eyes searching his for any hint of what he was truly feeling.

Draco's gaze softened slightly, a hint of vulnerability breaking through. "I just think your brother would be happier with me dancing with you," he replied, his voice carrying a weight of unspoken thoughts.

I decided to let the matter rest. Instead, I focused on the dance, allowing myself to get lost in the rhythm and movement. The questions still lingered in my mind, but I pushed them aside, deciding to enjoy the moment for what it was.

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