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'The first night'



No One

It was the last day of the school year, and the girl's dormitory was a hive of activity. Trunks were being packed, spells were being cast to organize belongings, and the chatter of excited students echoed through the stone walls.

Aria sat on the edge of her bed, her hands mechanically folding her robes and placing them into her trunk. Her movements were stiff, her mind elsewhere. Across the room, Pansy was in a similar state, her usually lively demeanor dampened by the events of the previous night. 

The room was silent except for the occasional rustle of fabric and the soft thud of books being placed in trunks.

Aria's thoughts were a whirlwind. The party last night had been a disaster. She had been cornered, forced to confront memories she had tried so hard to bury. Memories of Draco, of Laurent, of the night that had changed everything. 

She was angry—angry at them for prying, and angry at herself for letting her emotions get the best of her.

The silence was broken by Pansy's hesitant voice. "Aria, I... I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened last night."

Aria's hands paused mid-fold, but she didn't look up. Pansy continued, her voice trembling slightly. "I just wanted to understand you better. To know what happened to you that night. Why you've been acting this way."

A flicker of pain crossed Aria's face, but she quickly masked it, resuming her packing with renewed vigor. "Leave it alone. It's none of your business."

Pansy bit her lip, frustration and concern warring in her eyes. "But it is my business. You're my friend, Aria. And seeing you like this... it hurts. Please, just tell me. Did you... did you do something with Draco that night? Did something happen between you two? Is that why Laurent did what he did to you?"

The words hit Aria like a physical blow, and for a moment, she couldn't breathe. Memories she had fought to suppress came rushing back, each one sharper than the last. The party, the laughter, Draco's touch, Laurent's abuse. The hickeys that had marked her skin, the anger, the humiliation. 

Her vision blurred, and she felt the sting of tears.

But it wasn't sadness that consumed her—it was anger. Pure, unadulterated anger. She slammed the lid of her trunk shut, the sound echoing through the room. 

"You have no right to ask me that," she hissed, her voice trembling with barely contained rage. 

Pansy took a step back, her eyes wide with shock. "Aria, I just—"

"Just what? Just wanted to dig into my life? To pry into things that don't concern you?" Aria's voice rose, the tears spilling over and running down her cheeks. "You think you know everything, but you don't. You don't know what it's like to feel like your whole world is falling apart. So just... shove off, Pansy. Leave it alone."

The room fell into a heavy silence, the only sound the ragged breathing of both girls. Pansy opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. Instead, she nodded slowly, her expression a mix of hurt and understanding.

Aria knew that Pansy actually did know what it felt like, everyone did. But right now, Aria felt as if no one understood her, she knew she wasn't alone but it felt as if so. She was so emotional at this time because she knew the second she got off that train, her world was going to change.

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