46 2 0


'Perfect Score'



No One

Aria opened her eyes to the soft glow of morning sunlight streaming through the curtains in her four-poster bed. The excitement of starting her first day at Hogwarts was definitely not within her, and she couldn't help but feel unsure.

As Aria yawned and stretched, she heard a familiar voice calling her name from across the room. "Ari! Wake up! It's the first day and you're already sleeping in!" Pansy yelled, as she stood by the foot of her bed, a mischievous grin on her face.

Aria groaned, pulling the blankets over her head. "Why do we have to get up so early, Pans?"

Pansy chuckled, "Because! We can't be late on our first day. Now, get up and get ready."

After a bit more coaxing from Pansy, Aria reluctantly dragged herself out of bed. The two friends quickly got dressed in their crisp Slytherin robes and checked their reflections in the ornate mirror.

"I'm really glad you're here with me Ari, this is how it was supposed to be from the beginning. " Pansy smiled at the girl.

Aria mentally frowned from the girls words, all these years Pansy was waiting for her, but she never came.

"Me too Pans." Aria replied, walking over to her desk, getting her hair situation fixed. Spraying it with water and putting some product into it to refresh her curls.

Putting her hair in a slicked back braid, adding a black bow at the bottom of her braid, and finally, doing her edges as her final touch.

Aria, grabbing her bag and wand as Pansy looked at her with excited eyes, "Are you finally done my queen?" she teased.

Aria rolled her eyes and started to walk towards their dorm door, opening it and looking back at Pansy, "After you." she smiled.

Pansy chuckled and walked out the door, "Thank you darling."

Together, they made their way through the Slytherin common room, adorned with emerald green and silver decorations. The common room was alive with the chatter of fellow students preparing for the day.

The Great Hall awaited them, and the moment Aria pushed open the massive doors, she was enchanted. The ceiling overhead reflected the early morning sky, and the long tables were laden with a delicious spread of breakfast foods. The aroma of bacon and fresh pastries filled the air, making Aria's stomach rumble.

Aria and Pansy found an empty spot at the Slytherin table and settled down. As they helped themselves to breakfast. Not too long later, Blaise and Draco followed in. Blaise sitting across from Aria and Draco sitting across from Pansy.

"Moring Ari, how was your first night in your dorm?" Blaise asked, as he stuffed his plate full of healthy foods.

Aria glanced up from her plate and hummed, remembering last nights events as she just shrugged, "I dunno. Alright I guess."

Her response cause Blaise to raise a brow, he waned to question her but he knew not to push when it wasn't needed.

Aria couldn't help but shake the feeling of eyes on her, she turned around to see a boy with round glasses and a scar on his forehead staring at her, along with a red haired boy and a brunette girl. The stares caused Aria to narrow her eyes at them.

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