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One Year Later

Dear Aria,

I am sorry that it took me so long to write you this letter, but I had to make sure that it was safe to do so. I know a whole year is quite long and I could've done this sooner but I just needed to make sure.

Blaise wont stop talking about you, or where you have gone. I told him he could write you a letter and I would send it off for him, but I don't think he really has been in the mood since you've gone.

He's changed a bit, gotten taller and wiser. Its only been a year yet it seems like its been more, Pansy misses you as well, she was quite disappointed when she realized that you were not coming to Hogwarts with her. But I told her you would return soon, but I really don't know when that would be.

Is the manor in France nice? Are you enjoying yourself at Beauxbatons? Please write me back, I would love to hear some stories.

Always, Mother.


Dear Aria,

Mother told me I could finally write to you, where have you been? Where have you gone? Its been nearly a year since you've disappeared, mother refuses to tell me where you have gone. Are you hurt? I hope you're safe.

I started school at Hogwarts, I got sorted into Slytherin obviously, wouldn't expect anything else. Pansy and Draco got sorted into Slytherin as well, which boosted Draco's ego as if you could imagine.

Pansy misses you dearly, she nearly fell to the floor when she found out you weren't coming with us anymore. I would expect you to be sorted into Slytherin with us as well, you deserve it as much as I do.

Please write me back, I need to know if you're okay.

Love, Blaise.


November 1st

Dear Aria,

You're thirteen today, I really wish I could've had you home as a surprise for Blaise, but it still isn't safe. It is a work in progress though, I promise you.

Please enjoy your day, write me back.

Always, Mother.


Dear Aria,

Today is our thirtieth birthday today, the Slytherin house threw me a surprise party! I really wish you were here to enjoy it. I just don't understand why you have to be away. This is my first birthday without you, I don't want it to not be my last either. Please come home.

Love, Blaise.


Dear Aria,

Hey Ari, Its Pans. I don't really know what to say or what to write, Blaise told me you really don't reply anyways. But I thought maybe you would reply to mine?

I really miss you Ari, life at Hogwarts isn't as exciting or fun without you, I expected us to be causing chaos here. But I'm just stuck always reading and studying.

Everyone in this house are too proud for me, all they talk about is their money and how rich they are. Especially Draco Malfoy, you know, Blaise's good pal? Yeah, hes absolutely horrid! You thought he was bad then? He's just terrible now, I cant stand the bloody git.

But anyways, enough about me. I want to hear about you, write me back yea?

Love, Pansy.


Three Years Later

Aria. I need you to stop being so bloody stubborn and write me back, I had the elves check to see if you have even gotten my letters and you have. You've opened ever single one of them. Yet, you still choose to act like a bloody brat.

I saved you, I did what I could to help you, and this is how you repay me? You are nothing Aria, you will never be anything. You put a shame to the Zabini name.

You are just so bloody ungrateful.



Dear Aria,

I don't know why I still even write to you, but mother insists. I don't like doing it anymore, its just giving me hope for no bloody reason.

I am disappointed in you Aria, you still haven't written anyone back and you're still bloody gone. At this point I'm glad you're away, so I don't have to deal with whatever cocky attitude you've earned.

Mother kept telling me it was for your own good and now I am starting to believe her, maybe she just wanted to get rid of you. Maybe it was because somehow you never did anything right, even if you tried.

I cant keep trying anymore, this is my last attempt to hear from you.


ps. Amelle is dead.


A few months later

Dear Blaise,

I'm coming home.


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