Chapter 21: Her Birthday

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''Damn... So it was Yuni all along?'' Lala walked alongside you.

The time was currently late in the morning, somewhere around eleven a.m.

A solid hour after the whole interaction with Yuni. You had managed to wake Lala up, without anyone else being woken up as well.

As for you, your face just said everything. It looked like you were crying. Your cheeks were still red, your eyelashes moist.

''... Yeah...'' You answered, walking along the sidewalk.

''I should really listen to you more.'' Lala admits, scooting over and beginning to hold your hand as you walk. ''What did she even want to begin with? I'm sure I gave her a peaceful departure.''

''Well... It wasn't revenge, that's for sure.'' You answered. ''More like to tell me a proper goodbye.''

''Is that it?'' Lala was relieved that Yuni hadn't came back for revenge. ''That's good but... Must've been a sad talk.''

''It wasn't supposed to.'' You began. ''Although, by crying I made it sad.''

''Don't hit yourself now.'' Lala squeezed your hand. ''I'd cry too.''

You both finally reached the house. Lala took her keys out and opened the door.

''I just remembered something.'' Lala giggled. ''We left all the other girls in that room.''

''Yeah, and?'' You looked down into her eyes. ''They'll wake up eventually.''

''That's not it. They are literally all naked.'' As Lala said this, you realized how much this complicates things.

''... And Ecchi is still there...'' You added as a bonus. ''... At least they won't remember last night...''

''Yeah...'' Lala agreed. ''The birthday party is going to be awkwar-''

''THE BIRTHDAY PARTY!'' You shouted, which startled Lala. ''I FORGOT!''

''C-Calm down.'' Lala patted you on the back. ''There's still time. We can get presents later.''

''... Oh yeah...'' You yawned. ''Sorry... I haven't slept all night. My head is a little... You know.''

Lala smiled. ''That's alright, Y/n.'' She began to take off her Dullahan attire. ''Get some sleep, and then we'll go shopping for a present together later.''

While Lala was taking off her clothes, you thought about what Yuni said.

'Let those girls heal you.' You thought about her words. 'And eventually, the wound would heal, and pain will go away.'

''Let them... Heal me.'' You said to yourself and looked over to Lala, who was nearly done stripping.

''And... Done.'' She threw her socks away.

You slowly walked up to her from behind, without her even knowing. You then wrapped your hands around her waist and lifted her up.

Lala's eyes widen as she looks back at you while you pick her up. ''H-Hey! Stop it!'' She kicks her legs around.

''Let's go sleep.'' You say as you hold her with both hands and make your way up the stairs, into your room.

''I-I thought you wanted to just got to bed...'' Lala blushed. ''I didn't know you wanted more. Not after what you did last night.''

''What is that supposed to mean?'' You questioned her. ''What kind of things are going on in your mind right now?''

''H-Huh?'' Lala was confused. ''So... You just wanna... Cuddle while you sleep?''

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