Memory Fragment #7 - Wrath

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''This is Y/n, he'll be joining our class. I'm sure you all would treat him with respect.'' The teacher introduced you to the rest of the students.

All of them were looking at you. So many gazes that were directed at you, you weren't sure if you should wave to them or not.

''You can go sit next to Yuni.'' The teacher pointed to a student at the back of the class. ''The seat next to her is empty.''

Someone in the back of the class giggled as the teacher said that, but you weren't sure who it was.

''Alright.'' Without another question, you went up to the girl, and sat down next to her, dropping your backpack next to you.

The teacher then began the period.

It was... Boring, of course. It's Math.

You were writing in your notebook, but something was bugging your mind.

And that thing was deciding between introducing yourself to the girl, or just staying quiet.

... You went with the former.

You looked over and saw that she was drawing something in her notebook. ''... What'cha drawing?'' You peered over.

''Nothing.'' She answered, but she was obviously drawing something.

''... Can I see?'' You asked nicely.

She pondered for just a moment, before she let you see.

''Is that... Buff Spongebob?'' You said with a chuckle at the end.

''Don't judge me. I found it funny.'' She said, continuing to draw.

''It's really nice.'' You compliment. ''You've gone down to the last detail, it's impressive.''

You could hear a light giggle come from her. ''Seems like you know your stuff, I suppose.''

She then looked up at you in the eyes. ''I'm Yuni.''

''I'm Y-''

''I heard.'' She smirked. ''So, do you like drawing?''


''Mom, Dad, this is Y/n'' Yuni introduced you to her parents. ''He is my best friend.''

''Now wait a minu-'' Her dad got off the couch.

''Hun, I get it. Yuni brings a boy over to the house. But that doesn't directly mean it's her boyfriend.'' Her mother sat her husband back down on the couch.

''Yeah, he's gay.'' Yuni smirked.

''No I'm not.'' You shook your head.

''Yes you are.'' Yuni corrected.

''No. I'm not ga-'' Yuni covered your mouth with her hand.

''Do you want to be kicked out?'' She whispered in your ear. ''If you don't, then just pretend to be gay so that old guy over there doesn't think of anything unnecessary.''

''Old man?'' Her father seemed to hear what she just said.

''Yeah, you're pretty old, don't you think hun?'' Yuni's mother teased.

''We're the same age, Karumi.''

''But I look way younger.''  Karumi giggled. ''You're lucky I'm still married to you.''

''Yeah, that's very unfortunate.'' Yuni's father began to laugh as his wife hit the back of his head.

''... So this is your family?'' You asked Yuni.

''Yeah. Don't mind them.'' Yuni shrugged them off. ''Let's go to my room.''

''NO!'' Her father heard what she said. ''YOU'RE NOT TAKING HIM TO YOUR-''

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