Starting something

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Adie quickly looked up to see Severus' onyx eyes on her soft ones.

"Careful.", he said.

Severus then felt his hand on her bare skin, and he immediately let go of it as if it burned him. Once his hand was on his side, he flexed it, feeling it still stinging from the warmth of her skin. Adie avoided his eyes and Severus backed away from her to give them distance and straightened himself, Severus then cleared his throat.

"Are you on your way to the Great Hall Miss Heart?", he asked, Adie looked up to him,

"Yes, headmaster.", she replied.

"Let me accompany you then, you might bump into a statue again or worse, a wall. I can't afford to lose a teaching staff right now that the start of term is near.", he said, 'Especially you', his mind said, Severus sighed and shook his head to let the thought disappear from his head.

"Thank you, headmaster.", she replied instantly.

Severus moved on her side, but not too close as to not make her uncomfortable. Adie turned to her book again and was on the best part of it so her full attention was back on it, feeling comfortable that Severus was on her side to guide her.

Severus thought of his proposal to be absurd, he thought of what book is it that she's so indulged with that she can't read it later after dinner or in the Great Hall as she eats, but Severus shrugged off the thought of it, seeing her so indulged on her book is quite adorable.

Severus paused in his tracks and looked at Adie who was still reading and didn't notice that Severus wasn't beside her anymore. Severus immediately came of the thought of finding her 'quite adorable' and swiftly grasped her arm to guide her and turn left. As they were striding in a long corridor again, he removed his hand but after a while he grasped her arm again and they turned right.

As Severus knew that they're near the doors that leads to the Great Hall, Severus cleared his throat that made her startled by it and turned towards him.

"I would like to apologize, Miss Heart.", he said as he stopped in his tracks, his eyes avoiding her gaze.

"What for headmaster?", she asked and turned towards him.

Severus groaned, "For what I said to you this morning. Clearly, it wasn't my place to say anything of your relationship towards your colleague.", he answered.

"It was fine sir.", she said and smiled at him.

Severus looked at her, his eyes amazed of the woman in front of him and seeing those smiles again, he felt relieved. As he drowns himself with those sweetest smiles of her, his mind is at bliss and the chaos inside it, settled.

Adie was about to turn and start again on her way to the Great Hall, but stopped herself and turned to him again,

"There is one thing headmaster.", she said, her eyes settling on her fidgeting fingers first and then to his eyes, "Call me Adeline, at least.", she added and smiled at him again.

Severus felt his heart beats fast, "Very well,", he bore his eyes on her, "Adeline.", he added.

Adie felt something in inside her flutter, 'Is this what they call the feeling of having butterflies in your stomach?', she asked herself as she immerse her eyes on to his onyx ones. Adie felt herself lingered so long in his eyes, she backed away and both she and Severus fixed themselves and turned towards the door.

Severus felt himself lost in her eyes and her smiles, in her everything.

Adie felt something inside her turned upside down, not in a bad way but in a very good way.

Both felt something that they cannot explain and figure out themselves yet, but truly, there is something starting there that wasn't there before.

Arriving at the Great Hall, all heads snapped to them, and Severus frowned from the thought of they may have started a gossip themselves. Severus hastily went to his chair and saw that the chair next to him was empty, and he felt relieved to see Adie sat there.

"Hi Adie.", Severus heard Viktor Krum.

Severus scowled again, waved his hand in the air and their dinner began.

"How's your day, Adie?", Severus heard Viktor Krum asked Adie.

"It's been well, I finished organizing all my books and teaching stuffs.", she answered her.

There was silence and Severus wished that it would remain silent throughout the feast.

"Adie, there would be a gathering of the staffs at The Three Broomsticks tomorrow night, and since you've not been to Hogsmeade, I can accompany you there.", Viktor said.

Adie turned to look at Viktor, "That's kind of you Viktor, sure!", she replied happily and Severus felt himself starting to get angry. He quickly stood up, garnering glances from the staffs and strode off towards his office, shutting the door loudly.

Adie looked at the door confused and was not aware of Minerva's gaze on her and Viktor.

"What's gotten into the dungeon's bat knickers?", she heard Viktor and turned towards his grinning face, looking at him in disbelief and disappointment from what she just heard him say about Severus.

Adie resumed eating and decided to send Viktor a patronus later, declining his invitations to accompany her to Hogsmeade. She doesn't want to explain herself to him about it and so she decided to do it later.

Adie finished her food immediately and rushed to Severus' office. Adie gave the password to the gargoyle and it brought her up to his office. After a while of knocking, she gave up and decided to go to her own chambers instead, maybe Severus doesn't want anyone to talk to right now and she thought otherwise. Little did she know, Severus wasn't on his chambers or in his office.

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