Don't, Adeline

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Severus rushed towards his chambers, avoiding his mind telling him to go to the RoR to see Lily. He wants to end this night as it is, special. He occluded his mind to stop his mind thinking of anything else but Adeline.

Once he arrived at his private chambers, he quickly went to his whiskey and poured himself a glass. As he sat down to his armchair facing the fire, he thought about that night. He felt very comfortable and at ease with Adeline, the time he's spending with her were becoming more and more warm, pleasant and enjoyable. Severus found himself smiling more and chuckling with the little things they do. He wasn't like this before, but he didn't find the need to stop it too, because he likes it, he likes spending time with her.

Severus drank his whiskey and went to the bathroom to prep himself to sleep and went to bed with a smile and feeling satisfied to end the day with her, with

"Adeline.", he said as he closed his eyes to sleep.

Adeline felt the same thing, her feelings for Severus was getting deeper and deeper as they spend time with each other, her crush towards him was getting into something more. Adeline slept with a smile on her lips.

Morning came, Adeline woke up and prepared herself for breakfast at the Great Hall. She wore a long beige skirt, a short sleeve turtleneck top and put her hair in a ponytail. When Adeline felt that she was ready to go to the Great Hall, she quickly went out of her chamber, but was stopped when she saw Severus standing in the middle of the hallway near her chambers, looking at the painting. Severus eyes went to her, cleared his throat and went towards her.

"Adeline.", he said.

"Severus." she replied back and smiled at him.

"Why are you here?", she asked.

"Well,", he said looking at the painting, "I'm on the way to the Great Hall and was mesmerized with the painting here in your hallway.", he added.

Adeline narrowed her eyes at him and grinned. Severus then avoided her gaze and cleared his throat, "Can I walk with you to the Great Hall?", he asked, avoiding her gaze still.

Adeline giggled and ushered Severus to move.

Severus giggled lightly and shook his head as he found himself being nervous there around her.

Adeline and Severus walked towards the Great Hall in comfortable silence and when they arrived, they sat beside each other even though there are still many seats available.

"Where were you two last night, Severus? You weren't here for dinner.", he heard Minerva said.

Adeline choked on her soup when she also heard it. Severus glared at her and turned to Minerva, "I was busy grading papers, Minerva.", he said and rolled his eyes.

Minera hummed in approval, "Really? With Adeline?", she asked.

Adeline choked again, "Sorry.", she said.

Severus just groaned and gave Adeline her napkin. Severus pursed his lips to stop his chuckle from Adeline's action.

When the breakfast ended, Adeline excused herself first, but Minerva called her. Severus went on his way as he has his first subject with the third years.

"You're good to him, Adeline.", Minerva said, placing a hand on Adeline. Adeline smiled at Minerva, thinking about what she was saying was referred to Severus, "He's not visiting the Room of Requirement anymore, Adie.", Minerva added. Adeline looked at Minerva curiously and was about to ask her about it, but Minerva excused herself as she was summoned by Professor Flitwick.

Adeline gets on with her day thinking about what Minerva just said,

'What is Severus doing at the RoR?'

When dinner arrived, Adeline rushed to the Great Hall and sat beside Severus.

"Hello, Severus!", she greeted him and smiled.

"Adeline.", he said, and his eyes locked on him. Of course, he can't give her a smile now when everyone is looking.

Adeline took her seat and started eating, while glancing at Severus every now and then, she wants to ask him about it.

"Spill it out, Adeline.", he heard Adeline said as she was about to eat a mouthful of her roast, but she placed it back on her plate and looked at him.

"Severus?", she started.

"Yes?", he replied, and glanced at her for a while and back on his food.

"What is in the Room of Requirement?", she asked.

Severus stopped what he was doing and dropped his utensils to his plate, giving it a loud clang that made Adeline jump in her seat.

"Are you o--"

Adeline was stopped from what she was about to say when Severus quickly stood up and left the table. Adeline was shocked by what he just did and rushed towards him. The other staff looked at them but shrugged, Minerva was starting to feel nervous as she heard everything that transpired.

"Severus!", Adeline called out and ran towards him, she can't keep up with his long strides, but Severus isn't hearing him and wasn't slowing down.

"Severus!", she called out again, louder this time. Severus stopped as Adeline panted for air.

Severus turned towards her, no emotions at all.

"What was that, Severus?", she asked.

Severus scanned Adeline, she looked beautiful, 'Isn't it every day?' asking himself, but he shrugged his thoughts off and focused on the matter at hand.

"What was what, Adeline?", he sneered at her.

Adeline's eyebrows met, confused as to why Severus was acting this way.

"This.", she said.

Severus rolled his eyes at her and huffed a breath in annoyance.

"I just asked about the RoR.", she said.

Severus anger flared up again, and grabbed her arm, "Don't, Adeline. We weren't anything, what we did was nothing, I enjoyed yes but that was it. Don't cross the line again.", he said.

Adeline pulled her arm back from him, her eyes were now starting to pool with tears, Severus then realized what he just said.

"Adeline,", he said.

Adeline looked at him with disappointment, Severus' face softened by looking at her face and was about to reach out when Adeline ran towards her chambers, not hearing Severus calls for her as her tears began to roll down her eyes.

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