Have dinner with me

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The day went by, and after Adeline's class she went directly to her private chambers and sat on her desk when suddenly she noticed a letter neatly placed on her table. She grabbed the letter and opened it.

Have dinner with me tonight.


Adeline's cheeks went red, and she shrieked with excitement, she immediately went to her bathroom and prepared herself for the night. She wore a green tie-on-shoulder dress that flows freely below her knees, she put on a light make up and styled her hair beautifully. Adeline looked at the mirror for the last time and smiled at her reflection, when she's done, she quickly went to Severus' office.

Upon arriving at his office, she slowly opened it and there she saw Severus standing and looking at the fire with a glass of whiskey in hand. Severus smelt her fragrance and turned around, his mouth agape as he scanned her.

Adeline walked towards him and smiled at him, Severus realized that he was staring and cleared his throat.

"Beautiful, Adeline.", he said, Severus went nearer to her, grabbing her waist and cupping her cheeks, he placed a soft kiss on her lips. Severus held out his hand and Adeline took it, he guided Adeline to the door and gave her coat back to her as he donned on his.

"Where are we going?", she asked.

Severus did not answer but just smiled at her.

Soon they were outside the Hogwarts ground and on to the apparition point, Severus pulled Adeline closer to him,

"Ready?", he asked.

"Yes.", she replied, Severus placed a soft kiss on her lips and apparated them.

Severus loosen her grip to Adeline once he made sure that she's fine from the apparition. Severus guided her along the streets while still holding her hand, Adeline would then look at their intertwined hands and something inside her flutters.

The streets of Paris at night felt very romantic for Adeline, she'd been here with her family before but tonight she felt it to be special, as she walks with someone her hearts yearn for.

Severus stopped at a restaurant that isn't full of people but was so calming and romantic inside.

"Severus!", she heard someone say. Adeline turned to look at the man who seemed like the owner and the chef of the restaurant.

"Delfi.", Severus said, and they shook hands.

Delfi turned to look at her and smiled brightly, "Qui est cette beauté, Severus?", (Who is this beauty, Severus?) he asked, Adeline felt relieved at the moment as she knew how to speak and understand French.

"Je m'appelle Adeline, monsieur", (My name is Adeline, sir.) she replied, letting go of Severus hand and shook hands with Delfi. Severus was stunned to hear Adeline spoke French; his eyes fixed on her befuddled. Delfi seemed to be amazed by her accent and kissed her hand, looking back at Severus and wiggle his brows. Severus jokingly rolled his eyes and grabbed Adeline's hand from Delfi.

"Ca suffit Delfi, je deviens jaloux.", (That's enough Delfi, I'm getting jealous) Severus said, and they all laughed. Adeline looked at Severus from hearing what he just said, Severus just smiled at her.

Delfi brought them at the table near the piano, Severus guided Adeline as she took her seat, and he took his opposite to her.

"Je suppose que c'est votre préféré alors, Severus?", (I assume your favorite then, Severus?) Delfi asked.

"Yes Delfi, as always.", he said, and they chuckled.

"Et pour vous madame, puis-je vous surprendre?", (And for you madam, can I surprise you?) Delfi asked and Adeline beamed at him excitedly as she answered, "Bien sûr Delfi!" (Sure, Delfi).

A waiter arrived and poured both of them some wine.

"I didn't know you speak French, Adeline.", he said, taking a sip.

Adeline hummed in approval as she tasted the wine and looked at him, "Now you know.", and they both chuckled.

"This has been my favorite place to go if I wanted to get away from the castle for some time. Good food and good ambiance.", he said, looking at the wine.

"Thank you for bringing me here, Severus.", she said and gave him a smile, "We weren't able to explore this part of the city when we went here with my family, but now I'll have something to go to when I'll come back.", she added.

"Adeline, I--", Severus was stopped when Delfi arrived with their food.

His favorite food was placed in front of Severus a Rigatoni Alla Julio,

"Et pour vous madame, Ravioli." (And for you madam, Ravioli), as Delfi placed the ravioli in front of Adeline.

"Merci Delfi, ça a l'air bien." (Thank you Delfi, this looks good.), she said and beamed at Delfi. Delfi touched his heart in admiration of Adeline to his work.

"J'espère que cela vous convient aussi, madame Adeline." (I hope it tastes very good to you as well, madam Adeline.), he said and chuckled. Delfi left them and they ravished the food in front of them.

As Adeline took a bite, she moaned in approval, "This is so good.", she said. Severus looked at her in awe and smiled as he saw her enjoying herself.

Severus and Adeline enjoyed their meal and talked about the school, their colleagues, their class and everything they could think of. When they were done and was time to go back to the castle, Severus called out for their bill, but Delfino came to them and told them it's on the house.

"Delfino, let me pay.", Severus said, narrowly looking at Delfino.

"C'est sur moi, Severus. Promets-moi juste que tu amèneras Mlle Adeline la prochaine fois." (It's on me, Severus. Just promise me you'll bring Miss Adeline next time.) Delfino said, patting Severus' shoulder.

Delfino held out his hand for Adeline to take, Adeline took it and guided her to the door as Severus was walking in front of them.

"Tu sais, tu es la première femme qu'il a amenée ici dans mon restaurant." (You know, you're the first woman he brought here in my restaurant.), Adeline heard Delfino as he whispers those words to her ear.

"Really?", she said and chuckled, Delfino just smiled at Adeline.

Severus spun around to look at them curiously, "What's really?", he asked, and looked at Delfino, "Delfino?", he said, looking at the guy, Delfino put his hands on the air as to tell Severus that he didn't do anything. They all chuckled.

Delfino held Adeline's hand again and kissed it, "J'espère te voir bientôt, Adeline" (I hope I see you soon, Adeline). Delfino let go of her hand, and turned to Severus to shake his hand, "Prends bien soin d'elle, Severus" (Take good care of her, Severus). Adeline's cheek went red when she heard Delfino's words to Severus.

When they said their goodbyes and left the restaurant, Severus held Adeline's hand as they stroll. Adeline felt herself shiver again and turn red. They went behind the bush, Severus held Adeline closer to him and apparated when they were both ready. Adeline looked at the surrounding and they were in front of her chambers already.

Adeline pulled back to Severus and looked around, her eyes went back to Severus and smiled at him, "Thank you for tonight, Severus.", she said.

Severus walked closer to Adeline and cupped her cheek, Severus slowly leaned in and Adeline closed her eyes waiting for his lips to meet hers, but after a moment there was none. Adeline opened her eyes slowly and saw Severus' face closer to her and smirked. Adeline frowned and was about to pull back when Severus held the back of her head to prevent her from pulling back and kissed her, catching her off guard. Adeline moved her hands around his neck and pulled him closer to her. Their kiss deepened and Severus slowly pushed Adeline to the wall, caging her there and continued kissing her. Severus then realized that they were on the hallway and quickly pulled back, chuckling and shook his head slowly.

"Good night, Adeline. Thank you for tonight.", he said, giving her a quick peck on the lips and went on his way.

"Good night, Severus."

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