The engagement

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Adeline wore her thin strapped green silk long dress that fits her body and ends flowy towards the floor, she lets her hair fall freely and put on a light make up. When Aiden knocked on her door, she quickly went to it and greeted her brother.

"You look beautiful, sis.", Aiden said and offered his arm for her to take, and they went on their way.

As Aiden and Adeline descended from the hotel stairs, they saw their parents and the Sayres waiting for them and looking at them admiringly. As they arrived at them, Max held out his hand for Adeline to take and Aiden happily gave away her sister's hand to him. Adeline smiled at Max.

On the way to the restaurant, Adeline thought about Severus, 'What is he doing right now? It's Saturday, maybe he graded some papers and there would be many frowns and scowl from his students again' she lightly chuckled from the thought.

"What is it?", she heard Max said.

"Oh, nothing. I just remembered something from the university.", she reasoned out.

Severus at Hogwarts was still in his bed, drunk. He was never this drunk before but when Severus summoned Adeline's elf and asked it if she arrived safely from her dinner with that man at Hogsmeade, his anger rose when the elf replied, "Miss Adeline did not arrived in her quarters sir.". And in the morning, he summoned the elf again and asked about Adeline, and when the elf replied that Adeline didn't go home last night, his anger turned to rage and jealousy, still drunk last night he decided to drink again.

"Where are you, my Adeline.", is the only thing he muttered before he fell deep into slumber.

Adeline arrived at the restaurant, and they were seated again in a private section of it, and he was seated between Max and her brother Aiden. When the food arrived, everyone in the table was busy talking about business and other stuff, Adeline would just hear about Max's stories about his achievements.

"I took over our company and the shares my family had at our previous school, Ads.", he said.

"Good for you, Max.", she replied and smiled at him, deep inside she was getting bored.

"What are you doing right now, Ads?", he asked her.

"Well, I'm into a university right now taking up a more advance curriculum in Transfiguration, I was planning to teach and be a professor, but Dad has something in mind for me, instead.", she said, sadly but still gave Max a small smile.

Max felt bad for Adeline, "If you really want to be a professor so bad, you could always talk to your father you know and maybe we could pull some strings into Ilvermorny and get you in.", he said.

Adeline just smiled at him but inside her she doesn't want to be in Ilvermorny, her heart lies in Hogwarts, in someone who also teaches there.

When desserts came, Antoine stood up garnering everyone's attention to him, "To my dear friend Zandro and Marianne Sayres, thank you for joining us for dinner tonight.", he said, looking at Max's parents and nodding at them, "Tonight a big announcement shall be made, our families were long bonded even before our ancestor, Isolt. And tonight, it will connect our families more for the welfare of our family and our lineage.", her father said, looking around the people on the table and finally resting on her, Adeline was beginning to get confused and suddenly below the table, her hand was grasped by Aiden, Adeline looked at him demented while Aiden was looking at her distressed, she looked at her mother too who was avoiding her gaze and sipped on her wine instead.

"Adeline,", her father called out and she turned back her gaze towards her father, "Princess, I now announce your engagement to Maximillian Sayres.", he said. Adeline's eyes went wide, her mouth parted. The Sayres and her father clapped their hands, Adeline turned to look at Max who was caught in surprise too.

Adeline can't take the pressure, her feelings of disappointment towards her father and her fury in its peak. Adeline stood up, all eyes turned towards her and left. She disregarded the calls of her father, Max was about to follow her, but he was stopped by her mother, Marianne, "Let her be, son.", she said. Aiden rushed towards her and grasped her arm, Adeline turned towards her, Aiden reached out for her sister's tears to wipe it but Adie swatted away his hand.

"Have you known all this time?", she asked.

"Adie.", Aiden said softly.

"Have you, Aiden?", she shouted, tears started rushing down her cheeks, Aiden just avoided her gaze and Adeline pulled her arm back harshly.

"I won't be following his demand now, Aiden.", she said.

"Adie, you know father.", Aiden said, looking at her worriedly.

"You knew I loved another."

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