Another grief

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Adeline spent her week getting more nearer with Severus, her feelings for him growing deeper and deeper every day. They were seated together at every meals in the Great Hall, Severus would pass by the hallway of Adeline's office and if he knew she's inside, Severus would go inside and steal a kiss from her, and every night Adeline found himself wanting to be near Severus, even without the s*x, Adeline wanted to spend his night clung into him, cuddled with him and her limbs entangled with him.

Severus couldn't deny any longer his feelings that grows deeply every day that they spend time together. Severus swore that he will not let this slipped from him again.

Saturday came, Severus expected Adeline to arrive any minute now so that they could spend some time at the lake. But minute went to hours, Adeline didn't arrive. Severus walked from his chambers to Adeline's in long strides. It's mid-day, and Adeline didn't arrive in their planned time. When he got into his chambers, he called out for him but there was no sign of her, he went to her office, the same.

Severus was starting to worry, 'Where are you, Adeline?' his thoughts ran the same words over and over again, 'Is there something she's hiding from me?', as Severus felt that his loss of trust towards another person is slowly coming back, Severus groaned in frustration and apparated directly to the Three Broomsticks, but Severus stopped when he saw Adeline there hugging the man whom he seen before.

'Is this why she didn't meet me today? Is this why she came to my chambers that night, crying?' his thoughts telling him.

Severus groaned as his rage is starting to meet its peak and apparated back to the castle to the RoR floor and went there. He looked at the mirror and there she was, Severus sat on the floor, and she was on him straddling him. Severus frowned in annoyance, 'Is this another joke? Am I supposed to live like this again but with a different woman this time?' his thoughts said, Severus buried his face on his hands.

Adeline pulled back as soon as she heard someone apparated.

"Be careful Adie, please.", Aiden said to her, cupping her cheek.

"I wonder how Dad knew.", she said, looking at the ground, wondering who sold her to her father and tell him where her whereabout truly is.

"I have a feeling that it's the Sayres, Adie.", her brother said, her eyes were immediately on him.

Adeline quickly realized the time and her plans with Severus, she quickly said her goodbyes to Aiden and went back to the castle, rushing. When she got to his office, Severus wasn't there, same in his rooms. Adeline thought of where he might be, Adeline's face lit up and went to the RoR, she slowly went inside.

"Severus?", she called out.

Severus was shocked to hear her voice, he quickly stood up and covered the mirror and went to her by the door, "Why are you here?", he asked her, looking at her intensely.

"I was looking for you.", she said, innocently.

"I was looking for you!", he growled, Adeline was taken aback by his attitude towards her.

"Severus?", she asked him, befuddled. Adeline reached out to him, but he swatted her hands away, and that made Adeline felt her heart twitched.

"Don't touch me, don't come near me again.", he said, and swept past her.

Adeline's knees weakened as she heard him say that and was slumped to the ground.

Severus went to his chambers, pouring himself a glass of fire whiskey and drank it. As his mind went through everything they did in his chambers, Severus felt so disappointed and threw the glass on the wall, shattering it to pieces.

Severus went to bed, drunk. He thought about Adeline, and he cried, another remorse, another pain, another grief.

Adeline went back to her chambers where Aiden was currently in, she was still crying. When she arrived and Aiden saw her, he immediately went towards her and tried to calm her.

"What happened, Adie?", he asked, worryingly.

"Severus.", is the only word she uttered as she buried her face to Aiden's chest and cried out.

Saturday morning, Adeline quickly prepared herself for their date on the lake today. As she fixed herself for the last time, Adie was startled by her brother's patronus swooshing in the air.

"Adie, meet me at the Three Broomsticks right now. This is very urgent.", the otter said.

Adeline quickly went to the Hogwarts gate and apparated to the Three Broomsticks, when she spotted her brother, she immediately called his attention out and when he got to her they hugged.

"What's wrong?", she asked, looking at Aiden curiously as his face's emotion was so nervous.

"Dad knows.", he said, Adeline's eye widened and she started to feel nervous.

"How?" she asked.

"I don't know, he told me to get you, or he'll get you himself.", he said.

Aiden was still asleep on the couch as Adeline prepared their breakfast. When it was done, Adeline was about to call him for breakfast when he suddenly appeared to the kitchens.

"That smells good.", he said, Adeline chuckled and prepared his plate, giving it to him. She prepared one for herself and sat opposite him.

"What happened last night with Severus, Adie?", her brother asked, looking at her with concern.

"I don't know Aiden, he told me to get away from him, and left me there.", she said, her words faltering.

"You need to talk to him, you know.", she heard her brother said, Adie just looked at him and smiled, her brother smiling reassuringly back.

Aiden's muggle phone rang, "It's Dad.", he said, putting a finger on his lips telling her to e quiet, Aiden answered the phone, putting it on speaker.

"Dad.", he said.

"Where are you?", they heard their father asked on the other line.

"Uhm,", taking a moment to come up with a lie, "I'm at the office, dad.", he said.

Aiden and Adeline getting nervous in every second that passes. When suddenly they heard her door open. They quickly rushed to see who it is.


Aiden and Adeline were wide eyed looking at the figure standing on her sitting room.

"Dad.", Adeline and Aiden both said in unison.

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