A very good night

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A week gone by and Adie was so happy on her job, she likes her students and they liked her too. Adie went on with her days ignoring Severus. At first, she thought that this situation would give her the time to diminish her ever growing feelings for the man, but it grew more. Adie would cursed herself for having those feeling for Severus, she tried to stop it, but failed.

It was Sunday, Adie wasn't able to have her breakfast and lunch at the Great Hall because she was occupied with her books and lesson plan for the week.

"Miss Heart."

Adie quickly looked up and saw the man she was avoiding.

"Headmaster.", she said and stood up.

Adie scanned the library and there were no more students present, she quickly looked at her watch and it says 9 in the evening, she shook her head and rubbed her nape.

Severus scanned her table and frowned from the sight of it.

"Have you eaten?", he asked, walking slowly towards her.

Adie avoided his gaze, "Yes sir.", she answered but then her stomach grumbled loudly and she closed her eyes to wish that Severus didn't hear that.

Severus snapped his fingers, "Winky.", he called out.

Winky appeared with a pop and greeted her master and Adie.

"Prepare us some roast in my office.", he said. Winky the elf quickly nodded and vanished.

"Come.", he told Adie, Severus turned and walked towards the door of the library.

"I'm not hungry, sir.", Adie told him.

Severus glared at her with half hooded eyes as a warning for her and Adie quickly gathered up all her books and parchments and charmed it to fit in her bag. Once done, Adie looked at Severus again, who was still glaring at her, hands behind his back and stood at the doorway.

Adie quickly walked towards him, Severus scanned her for a little while and gestured her to walk first. As they walk side by side along the corridor, Adie felt her hunger and held her stomach. Severus saw her actions and smirked.

Adie let out a big sigh when they finally arrived at his office. When they entered, they saw their meals prepared on a table for two beside the fire. Severus gestured for her to sit and him on the other.

"Eat, Miss Heart.", Severus said and Adeline started eating.

As the first spoonful of food reached her mouth, Adie moaned in pleasure of having eaten a good food. Adeline quickly realized what she did when she heard Severus chuckled.

"I didn't realize I was so hungry. I apologize, headmaster.", she said, and resumed eating.

"Is the workload too much Miss Heart?", Severus asked, looking at Adeline with concern. Severus frowned at the thought of her being absent at today's meal at the Great Hall and he thanked Merlin that he found her at the library.

"No, headmaster. I apologize for being absent at today's meal, I was very engaged with my lesson plan this week and got lost of the time.", she said, merely looking at him.

Severus spent a moment of observing her, he felt bad that maybe it was too much for her to starve herself like that, but he shrugged it off thinking about her explanation.

When they were finished, Winky popped beside them and placed a chocolate cake in front of them.

Adie's eyes gleamed when she saw the cake in front of her, Severus grinned and gave her a slice. Adie hastily indulged herself with it and Severus could see that she would close her eyes for a moment with every bite.

Seeing her enjoying her meal gives relief and satisfaction to Severus. He knew she's avoiding him because of what happened that night but his concern towards her health defied his thoughts of giving her the space.

"That was a very good chocolate cake. Will you thank Winky for me?", she asked Severus and gave her a smile.

Adeline felt herself stiffened when she saw Severus' hand reach to her. Adie couldn't move, her lips agape, her eyes fixed into his. Adie felt a shiver ran down her spine when Severus' finger wiped the side of her mouth clean of chocolate remnant.

Adeline felt herself flushed when Severus pulled back and put the finger with chocolate from the side of her mouth to his, tasting it.

"Mmm, that was a very good chocolate cake indeed.", he said.

Adeline just looked at him, stunned by his actions. Severus just smirked at her. Severus wanted to pull her mouth into him and taste the chocolate cake fully from her mouth, but Severus held himself together.

Winky popped again and with a wave of her hand, everything on the table vanished and Winky went off again after greeting them both good night.

Adeline thanked Merlin that Winky appeared so that she could regain herself. Adie quickly stood up and Severus followed.

"Thank you for the meal, headmaster. I must take my leave now, good night.", she said and smiled at him.

Severus was again entranced by her smile, seeing it again made his insides flutter.

"Let me walk you to you chambers Miss Heart.", Severus said, Adie was about to decline but kept it to herself when she saw the glare Severus had given her.

Adeline nodded and they went on their way to her chambers, this time in a comfortable silence.

Upon arriving at her door, Adeline turned towards him.

"Thank you again, headmaster.", she said and was about to open her door when Severus grabbed her wrist pulling her back.

Adeline felt herself heat up, Severus looked at his grasp on her and quickly removed it, Adeline silently frowned from the loss of warmth from his touch. Adie looked at him and they locked gazes.

"Miss Heart,", Severus started, looking at his feet and shook his head nervously,

"Adeline,", he said and looked at her again, "I apologize for my actions that night, for leaving you there perplexed by what I did.", he added, his eyes softened at her.

"Headmaster,", she replied, Severus snapped shut his eyes for a moment and felt his insides dropped upon hearing her still address him formally.

"Severus,", she said again, as she saw him react when she called him 'headmaster', "Thank you for apologizing.", she added sincerely as she grabbed his hand and gave it a grip. Adeline was about to remove her hand from him when Severus held it and moved it in front of his lips.

"Good night, Adeline.", Severus said as he put a kiss on her knuckles.

Adeline was again flushed and her cheeks painted red, but she composed herself as he let go of her hand, "Good night, Severus.", she replied and smiled. Severus nodded at her and turn to take his leave, his robes billowing after him. Adeline quickly went inside her chambers, quickly casting a silencing charm around her as she released her giggles of scream that was kept since their meal.

Severus was about to take a turn to the RoR, but dismissed the idea as he stride towards his own chambers. Severus and Adeline went to bed with a smile and a smirk on their faces.

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