Bodies entwined

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Adeline rushed towards the bush, free from all muggles and apparated to the Hogwarts gates. Upon arriving, she entered and quickly rushed towards the castle, not to his room but towards Severus.

When she arrived at his door, Adeline continuously knocked on his door, her knuckles hurting because of the wood and so she banged it hard instead, she called out for him but there was no response. Adeline sank on Severus' door and cried, when suddenly she felt she was scooped up.


Adeline fluttered open her eyes, "Severus?", when she clearly recognized it's him, Adeline caged him in a hug immediately, Severus was worried when he saw Adeline slumped on his door and when she saw her crying.

Severus hugged her back and soothed her, "I'm here, now. Don't cry, Adeline.", he said softly.

Severus wandlessly opened his door, carried Adeline in a bridal style and he sat on his couch, Adeline's face still buried in his chest, crying. Severus continued calming her. After a while, Severus felt her breath steady and saw that she's sleeping in his arms again, he chuckled and brought her up to his bed.

As Adeline was carefully placed in his bed, Severus was able to see her dress,

'Where was she?' he thought.

Severus removed his frock coat and went to his bathroom to clean up and change into more comfortable clothes. When he was back to his bedroom, he saw Adeline sitting up in his bed, he hurriedly went to her and sat on the bed beside her.

"Severus.", she said and hugged him again.

"Adeline,", he said softly, "What happened?", he asked.

Adeline cried again, but after a while he pulled away from Severus and looked at him, her eyes travelled down to his lips and back to his onyx eyes.

"Kiss me, Severus.", she said, and as those words leave her mouth Severus kissed her softly at first until it got deeper. Severus tongue explored Adelines mouth and as well as Adeline to Severus. He guided her to lay back on the bed and he scooted on top of her, Adeline hand was on the back of Severus' head, urging him to go deeper as they kiss, Severus' mouth travelled from her lips to her neck, kissing her like it would be the last time. Severus returned to her lips and pulled slightly back, looking at Adeline's eyes, seeking for permission to go further. Adeline noticed it, she cupped his cheek and kissed him in approval. Severus hummed through their kiss and looked for the zipper of her dress behind her.

When he found it, he slowly ran the zipper down. Severus's mouth went down to her neck again, nipping it lightly as to not bruise it, Severus slowly moved her dress' strap down her arms and his mouth went to her collarbone and he pulled back. Severus helped Adeline stand up, it would be impossible for them to remove the dress when she's laying down. When Hermione was standing in front of him, he turned back to her straps and slowly removed both of them down, his eyes roaming from her perky breast, into her stomach and into her white laced panties and dropped the dress to the floor.

Severus admired the goddess in front of her and Adeline moved to kiss him and Severus guided her to lay back again. Severus stood up and slowly unbuttoned his shirt and unbuckle his belt, removing his pants. Doing it slowly, with Adeline's eyes fixed on him sent his c*ck into full erect and her knickers wet.

Adeline admired his broad shoulders; his scars didn't scare her. Severus went back on top of her and kissed her passionately. Severus went to her boobs, grabbed and kneaded them and her tongue played with her nipples. Adeline moaned and Severus looked up at her, as Adeline moan, it sent shivers towards him and his cock getting harder than before.

Adeline's hand went to his cock and caressed it slowly. Severus groaned as he was on her boobs.

Severus moved further down from her, kissing her stomach and scooted in front of her core. Severus looked at Adeline,

"Please, Severus.", she said, her eyes went to him, "Touch me.", she said, and his desire peaked. Severus rushed towards her core and ate her out. Adeline moaned and groaned, shouting his name as she reached her climax.

"Severus!", she bellowed as her orgasm was done.

Severus wiped his mouth as he looked at Adeline come undone, his half-hooded eyes looking at her, sent shivers inside him and made her wetter.

Severus moved on top of Adeline again and kissed her hard.

"Severus.", she said, Severus looked at her and kissed her again as he lined himself to her core. As Severus enter her halfway, Adeline cried out in pain, Severus' eyes widened and looked at her face distorted in pain.

"Adeline?", he said. Adeline looked at him and saw his face starting to get afraid.

"Move, Severus.", she said as she reclaimed his lips and kissed him intensely. Severus was back to his desire for her and kissed him back fiercely.

Severus slowly moved, still kissing her lips and moved into her neck. When Adeline felt that she was starting to feel at ease, she looked at Severus, "Severus,", she said.

Severus looked at her as she pumped slowly to her.

"Faster, Severus.", she said, Severus cock twitched inside her and Severus kissed her again fiercely and pumped harder. Severus sat up, still pumping at her, his other hand on her thighs and the other went towards her clit and brushed it with intense force.

Severus and Adeline grunted and moaned as their bodies joined and intertwined. Their bodies shared sweat and passion from each other.

Adeline felt her orgasm building up and looked at Severus, "Yes, love?", Severus said, seeing her getting close.

"Severus, I'm c*mming! Severus!", she panted.

"Yes, Adeline. C*m with me.", he said.



They both cried out as they both came undone.

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