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Severus left the table to converse with Professor Slughorn, Minerva was left with Adie, and they were talking and laughing.

"Adie, I saw you arrived with the headmaster. Did you planned it together?", Minerva asked.

"No, actually I asked him about it, and he said that he wasn't planning on coming, but he went to my office, and he asked me if I want to go, so I did.", she replied and sipped on her butterbeer.

Adie scanned the table and saw Severus eyes on her, when their eyes met, they quickly looked away.

"Severus doesn't always come to these gatherings Adie.", she heard Minerva said and looked at Severus again, this time she didn't caught him looking at her, he was conversing intently with Professor Slughorn.

Adie took the time to admire Severus, he wasn't handsome but he's not ugly either, but she knows she's attracted to him, with those shoulders, his stance wearing his black robes, just everything about him made Adie curious with herself, how could this man make her flushed.

Adie checked on his watch and it says 11 in the evening, another batch of drinks were placed on their table and another glass of butterbeer for her. Severus looked at Adie eyeing her glass intently. Adie looked up to see Severus eyes on her.

'You can stop drinking if you don't want to anymore.', she heard Severus pushing his thoughts on her mind. Adie was stunned by this and nodded at him. Severus grabbed a glass of fire whiskey and conversed with Professor Slughorn again.

As time goes by, the staffs in the table were starting to lessen. Adie thought about going back to the castle herself since she already knew the way and let Severus converse more with Slughorn and now with Minerva. Adie stood up and Severus looked at him confused, but frowned when Viktor rushed to her, slightly stumbling on a chair.

"Adie, let me walk you to the castle.", he said, drunkenly.

Adie was hesitating, but she doesn't know how to decline him.

"Professor Slughorn would help you to your chambers Mister Krum and Filch as well.", he heard Severus said behind her, Adie looked at Filch who was already drunk and frowned when Severus gave him a task.

"I'm okay headmaster, I could still walk Adie to his chambers.", Viktor insisted.

"Now.", Severus commanded with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Let's go Viktor.", Minerva said and guided Viktor with his arms out of the pub.

Argus, Slughorn and Minerva with Viktor in tow took their leave, Adeline turned to look at Severus and was surprised when he saw Severus holding out her coat.

"Thank you.", she said and grabbed her coat from him.

Severus gestured for her to the door, and they went their way to the castle.

When they arrived at the corridor, Adie looked at him while walking and smiled.

"Thank you for going with me, Severus. I had fun.", she said.

Severus looked at her and nodded.

When they arrived at her door, Adie opened it and turned to Severus.

"Do you want to have tea, Severus?", she asked.

Severus looked at her, dumbfounded.

"That would be nice--", he paused, Adie looked at him curiously.

'Lily.', the name looming in his mind.

"I'm sorry Miss Heart, but I should decline. Goodnight", he said and turned to leave, his way not towards his chambers but to the RoR, where he is supposed to be. He doesn't get to be happy and be attracted by another woman, he only has one, and that someone is already dead because of him. Severus looked at the mirror hastily and saw Lily there, Severus was expecting his heart to swell with agony and grief, but there is none and after a while Lily disappeared.

"Lily?", he called out.

"Lily!", he called out, louder this time.

A tear is starting to pool in his eyes.


No image of Lily was present in the mirror again. He called again and again, but she wasn't there. Severus was confused, but then his mind etched another image,


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