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Adeline rushed to her desk and cried her heart out, she was hurt upon hearing those words that came out of Severus' mouth. As tomorrow was the weekend, Adeline thought about something to make her forget about Severus for a while and penned a letter.

Adeline went on her day, giving a lecture and her students were happy that there was no homework from her, Adeline was too preoccupied right now.

When dinner came, Adeline sat beside Severus.

"Adeline.", she heard Severus said beside her, but Adeline didn't answer her.

"I'm sorry.", he said, Adeline paused to what she was doing and glanced to him, Severus looked at her, Adeline saw sadness in his face.

"Adie!", Adeline turned towards the voice and saw Minerva with someone she was expecting to see.

"Aiden!", Adeline quickly stood up and went to them. Severus turned to look at where Adie went to and frowned, a tall, masculine, raven haired guy wearing a very stylish robes was enveloping Adeline in a hug. Severus scowled and went back to his food.

"Severus.", he heard Minerva say as she took a seat beside him.

Severus just nodded at her and occluded himself about the hug he just witnessed and just went on with his eating. Adeline didn't come back anymore, Severus turned to where they were stood a while ago and saw none of their presence there, he scowled again.

Adeline hugged Aiden tightly and thanked Minerva for escorting his brother to her.

"Have you eaten?", she asked.

"Not yet, let's eat. I'm famished.", her brother replied.

"Please, Mister Heart. Join us.", they heard Minerva said.

"It's alright Professor, I booked a table for us at a restaurant in Hogsmeade.", Aiden said, and they said their goodbyes to Minerva.

As they were walking to Hogsmeade, Aiden and Adeline talked about their life, his job at their company and her life as teacher at Hogwarts. When they arrived at the Three Broomsticks, settling on their booked table and waited for their food.

"Adeline, what happened?", he asked, placing a hand on top of Adeline and Adeline looked at her brother sadly.

"There's this guy, Aiden.", she said, Aiden shifted on his seat wanting to hear more about what her sister is going to say, "I think I'm falling for him Aiden, but he's an as*hole.", she added, and they laughed.

"We were doing something nice with ourselves, we were already enjoying our company and suddenly he just snapped at me because I asked him about something. He could have told me he doesn't want to talk about it but he didn't. He snapped at me and told me those,", Adie paused and breathed heavily, "Things.", she finished. Adeline told him everything about what happened between them, and her eyes were glistening at the end, Aiden could see how invested her sister was to this guy.

Adeline turned to look at their hands intertwined with each other. Aiden grasped her chin and moved it up so that her eyes would fix on him.

"Smile, Adie.", he said, they pulled back from each other when their food was served to them. After their meal, Aiden ordered fire whiskey and butterbeer for her.

"No, two fire whiskey please.", Aiden told he waitress, and the waitress went on her way to get their drinks.

"I don't drink, Aiden.", she said and chuckled.

"Drink your sorrows, Adie.", her brother said, and they laughed.

When their drinks were served, Aiden put his drink on the air, "To the guy you fell in love with,", he said and grinned.

Adeline followed her brother raising her drink in the air, "To the guy I fell in love with.", she repeated, and clanged both their drinks together and drink. Adeline was about to choke in disgust from her drink, but she fought back the urge and drank the fire whiskey with all her might. When her glass was half empty, he slammed it into their table, her brother laughing at her. Adeline's eyes went to the window and saw a man retreating with a hair so familiar and black robes billowing,

"Severus.", is the only word that came out of her mouth, Adeline wondered why he would be there.

Severus saw it all, how Adeline would laugh at that young man, how comfortable she was when the man touched her chin and held her hand, Severus was furious. She wasn't supposed to drink, now she was drinking and having a good time with a young, handsome man. Severus quickly went back to the castle, rage boiling inside him.

'Fool!', his mind told him.

Upon arriving at the castle, Severus paused on the stairwell just before he was about to descend to the dungeons, Severus turned around and went to the place where his misery and despair is welcome.

Severus entered and went towards the mirror, standing there for a while an image is starting to appear.

"Lily?", he said as he took the time to clearly see the image, but his eyes went wide as the image portrayed a woman with a long wavy black hair, brown eyes and freckled. Severus quickly rushed out of the room and strode along the hallway on to the dungeons, his mind running about the image he just seen portrayed by the mirror towards him, Severus stopped, he quickly went to a wall and slammed his fist on it, he groaned and shouted in pain, but it felt enough for him to let his anger out.

'Adeline's whom you truly desire now, Severus.', his mind tells him.

"And I'm too late again.", he said, slumping on the tiled floor and felt the anguish of loving someone and ruining it again.

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