In disbelief

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The next morning, Adie (Adeline) woke up early to prepare herself for her first staff meeting. Adeline was so happy to finally land a job at Hogwarts, she wasn't able to attend there in her schooling days because his father wanted her to be in Ilvermorny, a wizarding school in America. Adie's family are noble and rich, they're a descendant of the Ilvermony's co-founder, Isolt. Her parents didn't know about her job right now, she told them she's in a university taking up a higher education based on Transfiguration, her only brother Aiden knows where she truly is, and he supported her.

She knows her father would be angry at her, but she wanted to have a decision for herself for once. All the decisions throughout her life were done by her father, her mother would always support her father and she was always the smart, kind and the ever-obliging daughter. Aiden also has the same life as hers, and now he's on their company in America with their father, but what Aiden really wants is to play Quidditch and be great and famous at it.

At exactly 8 in the morning, Adie arrived at the staff meeting.

"Tardiness on the first staff meeting Miss Heart.", she heard the headmaster said, looking at her intently. Adie met his eyes and smiled nervously,

"Sorry headmaster, I got lost on the way here.", she answered, the other teaching staff in the room is looking at the both of them. Madam Hooch is sipping her coffee and was looking at them curiously.

"Obviously.", he sneered.

"It will not happen again.", she added, her eyes not leaving his.

"I hope not, Minerva wou--"

"I believe the headmaster would give you a tour of the castle after the meeting Miss Heart,", Minerva interrupted Severus and looked at him grinning, "That way, you will not be lost again, dear.", she added and sipped her tea.

Severus rolled his eyes and sighed.

Minerva smiled at Adie and motioned her to sit beside her, Adie went and gave her thanks to the old woman.

The meeting started with the new timetables, reminder and everything they needed to discuss for the start of term and when the meeting motioned to end, Severus cleared his throat,

"The new Transfiguration teacher might introduce himself before we end.", he said, looking at her. Adie smiled at Severus and nodded; Adie then stood up.

"My name is Adeline Heart, but you all can call me Adie.", she said, looking at the staffs and smiling at them. Adie stopped her eyes at Severus, she nodded at him and sat back down.

"Very well,", Severus said as he stood up, "If there isn't anything else, this meeting is adjourned.".

Everyone stood up and some of the staffs gathered at Adie, introducing themselves to her.

On the other side of the room, Severus was sipping his tea and was looking around his staff, but his eyes would then settle on to Adeline. He thought her to be beautiful, he shrugged off the thought and occluded when he noticed Minerva walking towards him.

"You ought to go easy on the child Severus."

"She's not a child Minerva.", he answered her and rolled his eyes.

"She's quite beautiful and kind,", Minerva said, and they both looked at Adie who's smiling and conversing at the other staff, "I don't want her running to me teary eyed saying you bullied her.", Minerva then turned to look at him, Severus looked at Minerva and sighed, he knew she was giving him a warning. They returned their gaze on Adie.

After a while, only Viktor Krum the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is beside Adie, conversing with her and making her laugh from his humor and Severus felt that her conversation with Krum should be stopped immediately, he cleared his throat and strode towards them.

"I suppose let's start the tour of the castle now Miss Heart.", he said, looking at Adie and to Viktor.

"It was nice meeting you Adie.", the young, handsome, quidditch player nodded at Adie and left, Adie smiled at him with her sweet smile and Severus scoffed and rolled his eyes.

They got out of the staff's room and started walking along the corridor. Severus kept on thinking about how Viktor looked at Adie, it infuriated him inside and a deep frown is shown in his face.

"You can call me Adie too, headmaster.", Adie started to help ease the tension of awkward silence and to start a conversation with him. Severus just nodded.

"And you ought to be careful around famous quidditch players Miss Heart.", Severus replied, upon processing what he just said Severus stopped in his tracks. Adie turned towards him, her face in disbelief to what she just heard.

"What do you mean headmaster?", she asked, looking at him curiously.

Severus looked Adie in the eyes, he can see it glistening.

'Is she crying now? Oh bollocks!', he cursed silently towards himself.

Severus rolled his eyes, "What I simply mean Miss Heart is that I don't want to be bothered with sobs and to be surprised with resignation at my desk even before the start of term", he said coldly, hand behind his back.

After a moment of another awkward silence, Severus cleared his throat, "We must sta—",

"I think I'm capable of finding my own ways in the castle headmaster, I mustn't take your time any longer.", Adie straightened himself, she nodded at Severus and left him there astounded. Adie felt offended by how the headmaster sees her towards Viktor.

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