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As days went by, Severus would stroll the castle corridor every once and a while but he would make his walk along Adeline's classroom. Severus would sometimes meet her along the corridor and they would share glances and a nod, Adeline would smile at Severus and Severus would then be satisfied with his stroll and get back to his office, feeling energized to finish his task for the day.

Adeline was suspicious of their day to day meeting along the corridor but Adie would just dismissed the thought and get on with her day.

These glances, greetings, nods and smiles were shared during meals at the Great Hall, staffs meeting and along Adeline's corridor and Severus still yearns to witness more of her radiance.

One Saturday afternoon, Severus was walking along her corridor but felt defeated when he didn't see her, Severus went to the library and to his surprise she was on her way out with lots of books in hand and was very much struggling.

Severus quickly went towards her and grabbed the pile of books from her. Adeline didn't have time to protest.

"This is very heavy Adeline.", he said, "Where are you headed?", Severus asked.

"At my office.", she answered softly and avoided his gaze shyly, red colors were starting to creep in her cheeks.

Severus smirked at how quickly she would fluster around him. Severus wandlessly and silently cast a lightweight charm on the books to help himself carry it but would give Adeline an idea that he was so strong to carry it all alone. Severus smirked at the thought of his.

"You can give me a book or two so that it won't be that heavy.", she offered.

"I got it.", Severus answered, and they went on their way.

While Severus was walking along side Adie, he would always glance at her still flustered until they reach her office. Adeline opened the door for him to enter and once Severus was inside, he quickly placed the pile of books on her desk and turned to look at her.

"Is it okay if you stay for a while, I'll prepare some tea.", Adeline said without looking at his gaze on her. Severus was still enjoying Adeline being shy and flustered with him.

Severus nodded and sat at the armchair in the sitting room, looking at the fire in front of him while he waits for her to serve the tea.

Adeline arrived after a moment and placed both mugs on the table and she sat opposite him.

Once settled, Adeline had her courage to look him in the eyes and say, "Thank you again for helping me with my books, headmaster.", Severus sipped on his tea and looked at her confused.

"Adeline, we're the only ones here.", he said and chuckled. lightly

"Oh yes, of course,", she replied nervously and shook her head lightly, looking at Severus again she gave him a smile and corrected herself, "Severus.", and they both chuckled.

Severus and Adeline discussed about her teaching, her students and his jobs while enjoying their tea. Severus felt at ease in her presence, he wished that time would slow down so that it would not end. Severus gaze on her face would then shift on her plump lips as she speaks and would sometimes lick and bite it for a moment as if she's thinking about what she was going to say to him.

Adeline felt the same, the shyness and nervousness a while ago seemed to vanish as they converse to each other. Adie admired Severus as a good listener, and she loved how she felt comfortable with him.

A knock suddenly gives their conversation a pause. Adeline quickly stood up and went to the door and opened it, to reveal Minerva. Adeline opened the door for her to enter and Minerva smiled cockily at Severus the moment she saw him comfortably sitting on Adeline's armchair.

"Severus.", Minerva greeted.

"Do you want some tea, Minerva?", Adeline proposed.

"I do, dear. Please.", she answered, and Adeline quickly went to her kitchen to fetch another mug of tea.

As Minerva went to her seat, still eyeing Severus and grinning. Severus rolled her eyes to the old woman for giving her that look and for interrupting their alone time together. When Adeline arrived, Minerva quickly sipped on her tea.

"To what do I the pleasure of having you here Minerva?", Adeline finally asked.

Minerva shook her head and cursed herself as she hand an invitation to Adeline, "Professor Slughorn is going to have his small party with the staff and some of the students he likes, and he requested me to give the invitation to you myself.", Minerva said, happily.

"Oh, thank you Minerva. I would love to go.", she said upon opening the letter and putting it aside.

Minerva quickly chugged down her tea and winked at Severus, "I won't be wasting both of your time, I should go.", Minerva said and stood up.

Adeline followed her to the door, closed it once she's gone and went back to her chair across Severus.

"Are you going?", she asked Severus, sipping her tea and avoiding his gaze.

"I will. I'll see you there.", he answered.

Severus thought about staying a little longer but felt it to be inappropriate, Severus stood up and Adie followed.

"Thank you for the tea, Adeline.", he said and walked to the door.

Once they were at her door, Severus turned to her and gave her a small smile, Adeline's breathing hitched and felt pinned to the ground.

"Have a great day ahead, Adeline.", Severus said, observing her for the last time and went on his way.

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