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Adeline woke up and felt an arm around her, she froze when she felt something poking her butt and then she realized.

"Stay.", Severus softly said and kissed her forehead.

Severus waited for her to answer but when none was given, he pulled back to her, but Adeline grabbed his hand and pulled him back to her, grabbing his face and kissed him again. Severus groaned from her action and held her again, tighter this time. Severus lightly bit her lower lip and when she gasped, Severus tongue entered her, and their tongues intertwined and deepened the kiss. Severus pulled back, looking at her with eyes full of lust and desire but Severus fought it back.

"I don't have anything to change into.", Adeline said, sheepishly.

Severus chuckled and went to his closet. He went back to her holding out a pair of sweatpants and an oversized black shirt. Adeline looked at him befuddled for a while and accepted it. Severus pointed out the bathroom and she quickly went there to freshen up and change.

When she went back to his bedroom, she saw Severus already in his sweatpants and a shirt, his hair wet.

"There's another bathroom downstairs.", he explained as he saw her curious as to why he was freshened up already too.

"Oh.", she muttered and placed her clothes on the table beside the armchair and stood shyly before him.

Severus held out her hand, Adeline took it, and he ushered her to bed. Once settled under the covers, Severus pulled her to his chest. Adeline took his scent and felt comfortable tucked with him, Severus noticed she felt relaxed, and he calmed himself too.

Afterwards, Adie looked up to him to check if he's still up but regretted it when she saw his eyes already fixed on her. Adeline didn't look away.

"Thank you for rescuing me on the hallway.", she said softly.

"Why did you leave the party so soon?", he asked.

"I,", she paused and bit her lower lip. Severus' hand went into her lips and removed it from the torture of her teeth, "I saw you leave.", she finished, and her eyes turned to his lips and back into his eyes.

Severus slowly leaned in and brushed his lips to her. Adeline started moving her lips and Severus groaned, escalating the kiss. His hand moved to her hair and pulled her face closer to his, Adeline let out a moan and Severus felt his c*ck twitch up, but he slowly pulled back and strained himself.

"Sleep, Adeline.", he said, and pulled her closer to his chest.

When Severus felt her breathing ease, he carefully looked at her and saw that she is already sleeping. Severus thought about what he was doing, he never let anyone enter his private bedroom, any more than he lets someone sleep on his bed, but with Adeline, feeling her warmth and hearing her steady breathing as she sleeps gives him the feeling of comfort and peace inside. Looking at a sleeping Adeline once again,

"Why are you afraid of the thunder, Adeline?"

"Good morning!", she heard him say in his sleeping voice and Adeline's insides tugged on how his morning voice sounded like.

Adeline turned to look at him and smiled as he grinned, "Good morning.", she replied back.

Severus pecked a quick kiss on her lips and stood up, leaving Adeline startled.

"I'll make breakfast.", he said, and went downstairs.

Adeline was still befuddled of what just happened, but nature calls and she quickly went to the bathroom. When she was done, she looked at herself in the mirror, she fixed herself and she felt cute wearing his sweatpants and shirt, Adeline felt comfortable wearing it. She fixed herself again and when she felt alright, she rushed downstairs.

When she arrived at the kitchens, she admired how sexy Severus is while on his back and was cooking some chocolate filled pancakes. Severus felt her presence, he turned his head to look at her and gave her a small smile.

"Sit.", he said, and Adeline walked to the chair and sat on it, eyes still locked on Severus.

After a short while, Severus came to her with a plate of pancakes and an orange juice, he went to the chair opposite her and settled there with his plate and juice, also.

Adeline just watched him in amazement, Severus grinned at her and said, "Eat, Adeline."

Adeline shook her head lightly and chuckled when she realized that she was indeed staring at him, and they started eating.

As they eat, Severus looked at her in fascination.

"Adeline?", he asked.

"Yes?", she answered, her eyes fixed on him.

"Why are you so afraid of the thunder last night?", he asked, and Severus saw how Adeline twitched and shivered from thinking about the reason why. Severus moved his hand on top of hers and gave it a light squeeze.

"I'm sorry for asking, forget I asked.", he said and gave her an assuring smile.

Adeline just nervously smiled at him and turned back her attention towards the delicious pancake she is eating.

When they were done, Severus cleaned up the table and went to Adeline who was waiting for him at the sitting room.

"I should go.", she said, looking at the fireplace.

"It's Saturday, you can stay if you want.", he said, moving closer towards her and cupped her cheek. Adeline leaned on it and closed her eyes feeling his warmth.

"I shall not invade your space anymore.", she said and chuckled lightly. Adeline pulled back from him and went to his bedroom to change into her own clothing from last night. When she's done, she quickly rushed back downstairs, and Severus' eyes followed her. Severus moved towards her,

"You're so beautiful, that dress looks so perfect on you.", he said, running his hand on her arms.

Adeline tiptoed and placed a kiss on Severus lips and immediately pulled back, but Severus caught her and slammed his lips back on her.

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