A crush

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Adie woke up early and prepared herself for breakfast at the Great Hall. Adie quickened his pace towards Severus' office, muttered the password to the gargoyle and once she's up on his door, she knocked on it.

After three knocks, Severus opened it. Adie gave him a smile, "Good morning, headmaster!", she said cheerily. Severus scowled and stepped aside, opening the door wider and gave her permission to enter.

"What brings you here this early Miss Heart?", he asked and walked towards his desk.

Adie looked at him confused, 'What's with this change of behavior again? I thought we're okay and he was supposed to call me Adeline now.' she thought to herself.

"I apologize,", he said, finally grasping her face in confusion, "Adeline.", he added. Severus saw her breathed in relief and sat, he grinned at her and sat on his chair.

"I was wondering if I could return the favor and accompany you to the Great Hall for breakfast sir?", she asked with a smile and with energy that made Severus frowned.

"You don't have to Adeline; I wasn't expecting you to return any favors from it. I was simply helping a colleague out.", he said.

"I guess, but it doesn't matter. I'm here and,", she looked at her gold thin strapped muggle watch, "It's time to go to breakfast.", she added, smiling at him again cheekily and stood up.

Severus frowned again, but chuckled lightly and shook his head slowly, looking at her amusingly Severus can't help but observed her in her muggle clothes, she's wearing a white long sleeved turtleneck top, matched with a high waisted jean that hugged her hips and she wore a brown leather boot. He thought of her to be beautiful today.

Severus cleared her throat to prevent himself from thinking about her further, he stood up and walked towards the door. Adie grasped his actions immediately and followed suit. They both walked side by side to the Great Hall.

In the corridor, Adie's mind drifted to the image of Severus without his robe in his office a while ago. Adie thought of him to be handsome with only his button-up coat, he's not too thin, his muscles on his shoulders were bulging, his mind drifted to the buttons and below, Adie quickly shook his head to try to remove the image on her head and cleared her throat.

"So,", she started the conversation, to help her stop thinking about him, "Sir, I heard that there will be a gathering at the Three Broomsticks tonight.", she added.

Severus looked at her and the memory of last night's dinner of Viktor offering his company to her came back to his mind, "Yes.", he answered.

"Are you going then?", she asked him. Adie turned to look at him and saw that his eyes were on her already and she quickly diverted it away and looked to where she was going.

"I have more important things to attend to Adeline, the term is starting in two days.", he answered, but Severus knew the truth, he doesn't want to see Viktor and Adeline being near together. Severus quickly dismissed his thoughts.

"Oh.", she said, Severus looked at her confused for he heard disappointment in her words.

"You're going right?", he asked and prepared himself to her the answer, with 'Viktor' in it.

"Now, I guess not.", Severus was stunned and confused by her answer again.

"Why not?", he asked.

"Since you're not going and I do not know the ways in Hogsmeade, I might as well prepare myself for the term too.", she said and gave him a small smile. Adie wants to go to Hogsmeade, and she was planning to go with Severus instead. Adie sent his patronus to Viktor last night, saying that she may remain in the castle tonight to prepare for the term, she doesn't want to tell him upfront that she disliked his attitude towards Severus and doesn't want to be in his company any longer.

Severus was stunned by her answer again, he thought she would be accompanied by Viktor, he wondered to himself of why she is asking for his company now. Severus might be confused but he felt relieved by it and felt something inside him tugged. Severus chose not to talk about it any further, he wondered why she declined Viktors offer to go along with her, but he dismissed the thought and they just walked.

"Ahhh!", Adie shrieked out when she felt herself slipped and shut her eyes closed to prepare for the fall.

Severus quickly grabbed Adie, his hand around her waist and the other on her shoulder. Adie quickly opened her eyes when she felt him grabbed her and saw Severus face near her, and their eyes locked into each other. Severus stiffened when he felt his skin in contact with hers. Adie was stunned and was lost in his eyes; she couldn't move either.

Severus saw her cheeks reddened and he grinned. Adie felt embarrass when she knew that Severus might have saw her flushed. As Adie saw Severus up close and felt him close to her, she could feel something inside her stirred.

After a while, they were startled by the sound of Mrs. Norris they immediately stood up and straightened themselves. Severus cleared his throat and gestured a hand to Adie, telling her to continue their walking towards the Great Hall.

When Adie saw that they're near the doors of the Great Hall, Adie stopped in his tracks and Severus halted in his too and turned to look at her.

"Thank you, Sir.", she said and smiled shyly at him, avoiding his gaze.

"You're welcome, Adeline,", he said, and Adie was about to walk again when she heard Severus spoke, "You can also call me Severus.", and left.

Adie was stunned and was pinned to the ground; Adie felt her cheeks burnt up and turned to look at the door where Severus just entered.

Adie clamped her mouth with both of her hand to avoid letting go of her squeal. Adie slowed her breathing, calming herself before entering the Great Hall, and in a hushed voice she said,

"I think I'm having a crush towards the headmaster."

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