Mr and Mrs Heart

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It was Saturday morning, Adeline didn't return back to the castle that night, she and Aiden apparated to the muggle London and checked in on a hotel, today their meeting their parents.

"Adie, they're here.", Aiden called out from outside of her room.

Adeline fixed herself once again, wearing white trousers and black shirt, she wore the jewelries her mother gave her especially the pear-shaped diamond necklace her father gifted her. Adeline wore her boot, grabbed her wand and her bag.

Aiden and Adeline went down to the hotel's lobby and saw their parents, Mister Antoine Felipe Heart and Miss Daniella Heart, both screaming wealth and opulence.

"There they are.". Daniella said and reached out to Adeline for a hug, "I missed you so much, baby.", she added, holding her daughter tightly.

Antoine engulfed Aiden in a tight hug and when they pulled back, Antoine turned towards her wife and her daughter, "You're suffocating her Dani.", he said, and they chuckled. Daniella pulled back from Adie and went to hug her son.

"Princess.", Antoine said as he moved towards Adeline and hugged her, "We missed you.", her father said softly. Adeline was close to her father more and her feeling of regret on not telling them the truth of where she is starts to pool in her guts.

"I think it's you who's suffocating Adeline, dear.", they heard her mother say and they pulled back.

"I just missed my princess so much.", her father said looking at her, Adeline beamed at him and hugged him again.

After their reunion at the hotel lobby, their private limo strode them along the London city and went to the best restaurant in the city. Once they arrived there, they were escorted into a more private area and settled themselves in a small round table. They were given an expensive wine as they wait for their food.

Adeline was sat between her father and mother, across her was Aiden who was conversing with their mother.

"Princess, tell me about the university. How are you? Are you eating well?", Antoine asked, as he tugged her arm lightly and pulled back sipping on his glass.

Adeline's eyes moved to Aiden who were looking at her as if saying that she must be careful of what she will be saying, and turned towards her father, "It was great, Dad. I've made good progress with my Transfiguration and was thinking about teaching in a university soon, or maybe in a wizarding school.", she said happily towards her father and sipped on her drink to hide her nervousness.

"That's good, Adie.", she heard her mother said, she turned to her and smiled.

"You will not join your brother run our business?", Antoine asked Adeline in a serious tone, "You know that I have plans for both of you, right?", he asked again, looking at both his children.

"Antoine, let's not ruin this moment.", Daniella said, looking narrowly at her husband.

"Aiden is progressing into knowing more the ways on how to run our business.", Antoine said, ignoring her wife's words and looks towards him, Adeline sipped on her glass again and nervously placed it back on the table, "Adie,", Antoine held her daughters' hand and looked at her, "Please know that I only want what's best for you and your brother.", he said, looking at Adeline's eyes seriously, Adeline gulped in fear as to what would her father would do if he will know she's lying all along.

Thankfully, the waiters arrived with all the food and Adeline let out the breath she didn't realized she was holding. Adeline looked at Aiden who was just looking at her sadly, her mother reaching out to her back and soothed it.

As they were eating, Antoine glanced at Adeline twice as if thinking if he would say what he was about to say, "Adie, you will come back to America by the end of the school year.", he blurted out.

Adeline choked on her food and immediately gathered herself and looked at her father in disbelief, "Dad.", she said.

"Dad, maybe we should consult Adeline first if she wanted to go back yet.", she heard Aiden said.

"As what I've said Aiden, Adeline", Antoine looking at Aiden and into Adeline as if he's warning them with his gaze, "I know what's best for the both of you.", Antoine's eyes fixed on Adeline, "You will come back to America as soon as the school year ends, Adie. I'm being patient and generous as to ask you that, I might say that I would bring you back now myself.", he said, looking at her daughter seriously and went back to his food.

Adeline was in shock, looking at her brother who was looking at her with sadness and sorry in his face, Adeline turned towards her mother, "Mom?", she said.

"Listen to your dad, Adie.", is the only thing her mother told her, and they all went back to their food.

Adeline couldn't eat anymore but she doesn't want to leave the table as it would make her father angry, and she doesn't want that because she might provoke her father to do his latter idea.

When they finished their lunch, they all went shopping and her father bought her a very expensive watch as to ease her anger towards him. This is what her father do, every time he requests something from her that he knew Adeline would be against, he would gift her expensive things. Adeline frowned inside, but outside she needs to keep her good daughter demeanor.

When they're done, they all went back to the hotel when suddenly they were met by a very familiar man in Adeline's childhood.

"Max?", Adeline said softly, looking at the guy intently, when she recognized him clearly, Adeline rushed towards Max and hugged him.

Maximillian Sayres, the Sayres were connected to some of the oldest and most powerful Wizarding families, including the Gaunts and the Peverells. Originally from Ireland, the family gained recognition in the magical world during the seventeenth century when Isolt Sayre moved to America and founded Ilvermorny alongside her No-Maj husband.

Their families were both wealthy and was friends for a very long time.

"Why are you here?", Adie asked Max when she pulled back from the hug.

"We came here with Antoine; he and my father have some business to attend to here in London.", he said.

Adeline thought of Max as handsome, well-kept blonde hair, and he was taller than her 'Like Severus.', her mind tells her, and she shook her head lightly to shrug off the thoughts of him.

Max greeted the rest of her family and turned to her, "See you later, Ads.", he said and went his way. Adeline chuckled as she thought about Max's nickname for her, Ads.

"Both of you, go to your room and rest.", she heard her father said from behind her and turned to him, "We will be having dinner with the Sayres tonight.", her father added, Aiden nodded. Antoine walked towards Adeline and cupped both her cheeks, "Wear something beautiful, princess. I'll see you tonight.", Antoine said and kissed her forehead, Adeline walked towards her mother and Daniella kissed her forehead too before they say their goodbyes and headed towards their room.

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