Back from the misery

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Both Adeline and Severus turned to look at where the voice came from,

"Dad.", Adeline said, eyes were wide as she saw her father standing at the doorway with Max.

"Max? What are you doing here?", she asked, confusingly.

Aiden and Max walked towards them; Adeline saw Max looking at her pitifully, but her father was in rage.

Severus quickly stood up; his face turned sour as they were interrupted but he wasn't afraid of Adeline's father. Severus scowled more when he saw the man the love of his life was engaged to. Max looked at him intently, shaking his head slowly.

"Where is your brother?", Antoine asked.

Adeline's fear for his brother shot up, she quickly sat up, "Dad.", is the only word that came out of her mouth. Adeline turned to look at Severus and grabbed his hand, and as Antoine saw what his daughter did, his anger reached its peak.

"That's it, we're going home.", Antoine said, grabbing Adeline's arm painfully which caused Adeline to wince in pain, Adeline's other hand still clasped on to Severus.

"Mister Heart, you're hurting her", Severus said, holding Adeline's hand firmly, looking at Adeline anxiously and back to Antoine.

"Let go of my daughter's hand.", Antoine said firmly.

"No, Severus.", Adeline said, Antoine turned to look at Adeline angrily.

"You won't like it when I'm mad, princess.", Antoine warned his daughter firmly.

Adeline's fear for what his father would do to Severus shot up. Adeline turned to Severus and looked at him sadly, her tears starting to pool in her eyes.

"Severus, let go of my hand.", she said softly, avoiding his gaze.

"I'm not afraid of your father, Adeline.", Severus said firmly, looking at her in disbelief, "Adeline, look at me.", he added.

Adeline slowly looked up, she was starting to cry and shook her head slowly.

Severus looked at her befuddled.

'She doesn't trust me that I can handle her father? Is her love for me so little that she can't fight for me? For us?', his thoughts running wild with question of confusion on Adeline's turn of attitude towards him.

"Severus, let go of my hand.", she softly said, looking away from him, but Severus still held her hand firmly.

"Did you not hear my daughter?", Antoine said, but Severus ignored him, he's still looking at her.

"Severus.", she said again, her eyes now on their clasped hands.

"Look at me and tell me that.", Severus said, firmly.

Adeline took a moment to gather up her courage and slowly moved her eyes on to Severus, she held back her emotions and faced him blankly.

"Severus,", she said softly, inaudibly, "Please."

As Severus heard her and saw her face, Severus dropped her hand.

'No, Severus. Fight for her.', his mind told him.

Severus looked at her one last time, trying to find something in her face that will tell him to stay and fight for her as what his mind is telling him but there was none, Severus hastily left, his feet dragging him to the RoR.

'Severus, no. Don't go there', he heard his mind say, he scowled as he heard it in Adeline's voice.

'Severus, please.', he heard his mind in Adeline's voice again, the same word and voice that Severus heard from her a while ago.

Severus growled and occluded, entering the RoR and turned to the mirror.

"You're a fool.", Severus said as he looked at his reflection at the mirror, happily holding out Adeline's body into his.

Severus felt his insides turned and felt his heart ache as he saw the woman who got him out of his misery from Lily was now the reason he will be back from desolation.

'Severus, I need you.'

After a while of pondering in front of the mirror, he heard her voice inside his head. Severus hastily stood up, looked at Adeline's reflection in the mirror smiling sweetly at him.

'Severus.', he heard her voice again.

"Adeline.", he said inaudibly, and he quickly went to the hospital wing.

Upon arriving there, he saw Poppy caressing Minerva's back as they look at Adeline's bed, empty.

"Where is she?", he asked them, both turning towards them, his eyes still plastered on to the empty bed and Minerva walked towards him.

"They left, Severus. They took Adeline with them.", Minerva said, shaking her head slowly.

Severus quickly left and went to her chambers, "Adeline!", he called out as he entered her chamber, but his heart sank as he saw it empty, all her books gone. Severus went to her bedroom, and he fought back the urge to break down then and there as he saw it empty too.

'Severus, I need you.', he heard her voice again ringing in his mind, Severus growled.

"You don't need me.", he replied inaudibly, and left her room.

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