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Adeline quickly pulled back from Viktor when he saw Severus Snape left the three professors.

"I'm sorry Viktor, but I think I'll go back now, I'm not feeling well.", she said, avoiding Viktors gaze and dismissing his approach of walking her back to her chambers.

Adeline rushed towards the door; she ran along the corridors looking for Snape when suddenly a loud booming sound was heard. Adeline shrieked and sat down on a cold tile floor, covering her ears and shutting his eyes. Heavy rain splattered and another roar of thunder erupted, she tried to shrink on the floor and cover herself when she felt a hand placed on her shoulders and a black robe was placed on her to cover her.

Adeline immediately looked at the person, "Severus.", she said in a low voice and Adeline hastily buried her face on his chest and Severus enveloped his arms around her at once.

"Shh, I'm here Adeline.", he said repeatedly, tightening his grip on her and trying to calm her down.

Another wave of thunder roared, and Severus felt Adeline jerk and buried herself even more to his chest. Severus spooned up Adeline like she weighted nothing and apparated them to the sitting room of his quarters. Once they arrived, Severus settled her on the sofa and cast a spell to vanish the sound of rain and thunder outside. Severus stood up to prepare her some tea, but Adeline stopped her, her hand was quickly on his arms.

"Don't leave, please.", she said in a low voice, and her eyes were on him, glistening. Severus felt his concern for her pooled deeper and held her tighter. Severus accioed a glass and conjured a water for her to drink and she did, before burying herself on to Severus again and Severus just kept soothing her back.

After a while, Severus felt that Adeline stopped shaking. He slowly moved to look at her and saw her fast asleep on his chest. Severus stared at her sleeping face,

'You're a beauty, Adeline.'

Later, Severus felt his back starting to get painful from their uncomfortable setup on the couch. He held Adeline tightly and apparated on to his bed. Severus slowly placed Adeline on his satin sheets and moved to her feet to remove her shoes, Severus stood up to remove his frock coat, now on his shirt Severus went back to his bed, he paused to admire her figure sleeping peacefully into his bed and was getting every part of it to bury the image into his mind. Severus sat on his armchair beside the bed and tried to sleep there.

Eventually, Adeline stirred, and it woke Severus up. Severus watched Adeline as she ran her hand on his silk sheets and hummed, feeling comfortable. Adeline was feeling rather comfortable on her sleep but soon realized that it wasn't her sheets, Adie quickly sat up and turned to look at the figure sitting on an armchair beside the bed.

"Severus.", is the only word that came out of her mouth.

Severus stood up and gave her a glass of water that he prepared on the bedside table. Adeline took it and drank.

Adeline realized that she needed to go back to her own chambers and so she quickly stood up and fixed her dress, "I'm so sorry to bother you, Severus. I should get back to my chambers now.", she said and went to her shoes, wearing it.

Severus went to her; Adeline felt her breath stop when Severus went near her. Severus grinned as he saw her getting flushed again. Severus took another step, consuming the remaining comfortable distance between them. Adeline couldn't move, her insides fluttering, her eyes avoiding his gaze and was settled on his chest right in front of her.

"Dance with me?", he said, Adeline looked at him, befuddled. Severus waved his hand in a wandless spell and a music started playing out of nowhere. Severus slowly placed Adeline's hand on his shoulder, and he grabbed the other.

At last, my love has come along

They started moving, eyes locked into each other.

My lonely days are over

And life is like a song

Ooh yeah, yeah

At last, the skies above are blue

My heart was wrapped up in clover

The night I looked at you.

Severus leaned in towards her, and rested his forehead on hers.

I found a dream, that I could speak to

A dream that I can call my own

I found a thrill to rest my cheek to

A thrill that I have never known,

Severus held her chin up, Adeline felt her breathing slowed down, when she saw his face draw near her. Severus slowly moved his face down towards Adeline, and once their lips were inches apart, Severus paused,

'Now's the time to push me away, Adeline.'

As Severus waited for Hermione to back away, Severus was caught off guard when Adeline pushed her lips on to him, and they kissed. Severus advanced her arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him as the kiss grew deeper.

Feeling in need of air, Severus pulled back slightly, his arms still around her, her body still close to him. Severus locked gazed with Adeline and said,


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