I'm here

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"Mister Heart!", Minerva worriedly called out as soon as she reached them at Adeline's chambers.

Antoine and Aiden quickly stood up and turned towards Minerva.

"What is it, professor?", Antoine asked her right away, confused from the worry sound of the old woman.

"Adie's at the hospital wing, come with me, quickly!", Minerva said and hurriedly went to the hospital wing with Aiden and Antoine in tow.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Aiden went directly to where Adeline was and saw Severus standing beside her unconscious body already, after a while Aiden followed.

"Where were you dad?", Aiden asked.

"I just made a call.", his father answered and turned towards Adeline, and looked up to see Severus still looking at Adeline, "Headmaster, you're here.", he said.

Severus looked up to meet Aiden's gaze, "She's my employee, I need to make sure she's okay.", he said.

"Antoine.", someone called out from the door.

Everyone looked at the person who called out Antoine,

"Max?", Aiden said softly, and then looked at his father curiously.

"Max!", Antoine said cheerfully and walked towards him and they shook hands.

"What happened to Ads?", Max asked, worriedly.

Antoine guided Max towards Adie's bed and looked at Severus, who was looking at him with no expression at all, "Max, meet Headmaster Severus Snape of Hogwarts.", Antoine said, Max held out his hand for Severus to take and Severus shook it,

"Headmaster.", Max said, and gave a small smile at him, Severus nodded.

"Headmaster, this is Maximillian Sayres, Adeline's fiancé.", he said, Severus' gaze shot up to Antoine narrowly.

"Dad.", Aiden said with a sigh and looked at Severus with a sorry look.

"What happened?", Max asked.

Minerva butt into the awkward tension building, "Adie slipped on a rock at the lake and bumped her head at it, she was unconscious when Hagrid saw her.", she said.

"Where is this Hagrid? I want to thank him for saving my fiancé's life.", Max said, and Severus rolled his eyes.

Severus cleared his throat and said his goodbyes, looking at Adeline for the last time before exiting the room.

After a while, Madam Pomfrey arrived at them.

"Poppy, is Adeline going to wake up soon?", Minerva asked.

Poppy went towards Adeline and cast a diagnostic charm on her body, "She will wake up soon, but she should stay tonight.", the matron replied, looking at the men beside Adie's bed and took her leave taking Minerva with her.

It was nighttime, Adeline was still unconscious, and Aiden told his father and Max to rest at Adeline's chambers telling them that he will just call for them if Adeline wakes up, his father agreed and him and Max went on their way, leaving Aiden with Adeline.

After a moment, Aiden heard someone cleared their throat at the door.

"Headmaster.", he said, standing up.

"May I watch her tonight?", he asked him. Aiden looked at his sister and walked towards Severus.

"You may, but I'll be here early tomorrow. Just to make sure dad won't caught us.", Aiden said, placing his hand on Severus' shoulder, Severus nodded at him and walked towards Adeline, sitting beside her and holding her hand, looking at her worryingly.

Aiden who was still at the door, looked at them for a moment in remorse for his sister and her lover and left.

As Severus was out of the hospital wing, he saw Poppy and stopped her.

"Poppy, how's Adeline?", he said, firmly, trying to hide his worry from the matron.

"I know, Severus. You don't have to hide your true feeling for her from me.", the matron said, smiling at him pitifully.

"I just want to know if she's going to be okay, Poppy.", he said, avoiding the matron's gaze.

"She will be, she might wake up tonight.", she said.

Severus softly nodded and was about to leave when he looked at the matron again, an idea popped into his mind.

"Poppy, can you tell them to leave her be tonight? Don't tell them she'll most likely wake tonight.", he said.

Poppy looked at Severus' eyes intently and nodded, smiling at him and grasping what his idea for tonight will be.

"Okay, Severus.", Poppy said, and Severus immediately left to his office.

After a while, Adeline slowly opened her eyes and scanned her surrounding but felt relieved when she saw the man her heart yearns for.

"Severus.", she said softly.

Severus felt joy in his heart as he saw Adeline's eye glimmer and as he heard her speak his name. Severus slowly leaned in and captured her lips, Adeline's hand moved to cup his cheek.

"I'm here.", Severus said, as he pulled back from the kiss, resting his forehead on her and a smile plastered on his lips.

Both of them, lost in the trance of each other's gazes that they weren't aware someone's eyes were on them.

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