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Adie entered and saw the staffs table with two available chairs, one beside the headmaster (Adie frowned) and the other beside Viktor (Adie frowned again). She wants to sit somewhere not near those two people right now, he wants to avoid Viktor because she knows his attitude and behavior already and doesn't want to deal with childish person right now and to Severus, she doesn't want him to see her turn red and flushed again.

Severus felt Adie was still standing in the doorway, he glanced to the table and saw the staffs eating and conversing with the other staffs beside them, Severus turned to look at her.

Adie met Severus' gaze and felt her cheeks heat up again.

Severus eyes from her went to the chair beside him and then back to her, Adie knew then that he was telling her to sit on the chair beside him. Adie shook her head and disregarded her looming feelings towards Severus and sat on the chair beside him, but she quickly regretted it when she grabbed her knife on her left and her hand lightly brushed in his, she felt electricity jolted inside her and she felt her cheeks crept up again.

Severus saw the whole thing that happened to the woman beside her and grinned. Severus felt appease that Viktor was nowhere near her.

Severus' thoughts drifted to their interaction in the corridors a while ago and Severus stiffened by the thought of her skin on his palms. As Severus' face was near her, he fought the urge of pushing his head nearer and feel her plump lips in his and her eyes when it stared at him, he felt lost by it. Severus felt something inside him churned as the idea of her face and her body near him was looming in his mind, he wants to be near her again, that's for sure.

His eyes drifted back to her, but not too much as to garner attention from her. He observed how she ate; she was playing with her soup and was eating just a little.

"Is the food not to your liking?", Severus asked.

"No, headmaster.", she replied, looking at Severus for a while and turned to her soup again, "I'm still full, I guess.", she added.

Severus nodded slowly and saw that she's blushing again, he smirked and turned his attention back to his food.

Adie was trying to compose herself, but her mind always drifted off to Severus. After a while of trying to eat her soup, Adie briskly stood up, Severus looked at her confused and she went directly to her chambers. She decided, she will stay there until the term began on Monday since she will not be attending the gathering of the staffs later tonight, she will just summon food from the elves.

Severus just grinned towards Adie, 'Why is she so flushed?', he thought to himself.

After breakfast, Severus also went directly into his office and started on his piles of paperwork.

Adie woke up from her nap as she heard a knock on her door, she looked at her watch and it says 7 in the evening. Adie looked at herself in the mirror to see if she's presentable enough and when she does, she quickly opened the door to see who it is.

"Sir?", she asked, "I mean, Severus?", she corrected herself and brought a hand on her hair.

"Good evening to you, Miss Adeline.", he greeted, hands behind his back.

"Is there anything I can help you with?", she asked him.

"Can I come in?", he asked.

Adie felt terrible to not offer it herself first, she slapped her head softly and chuckled nervously. Adie cursed herself and reminded her to compose herself. Adie quickly opened the door wider and let Severus in.

As Severus walked in, he noticed her chamber felt comfortable for his taste, it feels homey. Severus turned to look at her and observed her still on her clothes from breakfast.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to The Three Broomsticks with me.", he said.

Adie was stunned by what he just said, "I thought you're not going?", she asked.

"I changed my mind.", he replied and went to an armchair in front of the fire and sat there.

"Can you give me a minute sir?", she asked.

"Go on.", he replied, as he picked up a book on the table.

Adie went directly to her room and cast a refreshing spell into herself and went to look for a dress. Once she had the dress, she quickly donned it on, applied a light make up, combed her hair and wore her boot. Adie looked at the mirror once again and she felt comfortable and satisfied by what she just wore and went down quickly.

Severus heard her door open and turned to look at her descend on the stairs. Severus mouth was slightly parted as she saw her to be beautiful in that blue dress that hugs her waist, showing not much of her cleavage and ends flowingly just above her knee. Severus quickly turned his gaze somewhere, as to not give her the impression that he's staring at her.

Adie saw him staring at her just before he turned his gaze away, and Adie felt her cheeks heat up.

Severus stood up and went to the door, Adie went for her robe, and they went to Hogsmeade side by side, feeling comfortable with the silence this time.

When they arrived at the Three Broomsticks, eyes were on them and Hagrid and Madam Hooch hooted, they're drunk already. Adie and Severus sat beside Minerva and Minerva looked at Severus mockingly, Severus just gave her a scowl.

Drinks were given by Madam Rosmerta, everyone hooted (except Severus, of course) and glasses clanking to one another.

Adie took her first sip of fire whiskey and was about to throw up, everyone laughed at her, and she joined them. It's her first time to taste it.

"That was horrible.", she said, and giving her glass on to Severus, "I only took a sip, you can have it.", she said and laughed.

Severus chuckled lightly with what he witnessed and returned his face back to a scowl. Severus stood up and went to Madam Rosmerta at the bar.

"Hey Adie, I thought you're going to stay at the castle, I was surprised to see you with the headmaster.", Viktor said as he sat on the chair being occupied by Severus.

Adie let out a sigh and smiled awkwardly at him, "I was going to, but I changed my mind last minute and saw that the headmaster was also on his way here, so I side along with him.", she replied.

When Severus was done ordering and Madam Rosmerta gave him the drink, he went back to their table but frowned when he saw Viktor occupying his seat and talking to Adie. He walked towards the table and cleared his throat loudly for Viktor to hear.

Viktor turned to face him and stood up, "Here you go, old man.", he said drunkenly and went back to his chair beside Professor Sinistra, Adie could clearly see he was flirting with the professor but ignored it and turned to look at Severus.

"Here.", Severus gave her the drink, Adie looked at her curiously and was adamant to it, "That's butterbeer, you'll like it.", he said and drank his fire whiskey.

Adie took a sip, "I like it, it tastes good.", she said and beamed at him.

Severus looked at Adie who wasn't aware that there's a white foam from the drink on top of her lips, Severus quickly scanned the people around them and saw them busy conversing with the other and very drunk already, so Severus put his fingers on it and wiped it clean.

Adie felt her breath was taken away, but composed herself quickly and averted his attention back to her drink.

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