November and Raspberries .3.

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I smelt her before I saw her. The smell of wild raspberries clouded my senses and my eyes flashed from where I was being introduced on stage forcing me to control my claws from inching out and restrict my eager canines from elongating. Gasps echoed around the roof when people noticed the shift of color in my eyes. Jace, my Beta, hurried towards me. "Alpha, what's wrong?"

On a normal day, I would have laughed or thrown a knowing smirk in his direction because Jace never addressed me as Alpha, only once in a while in public but today was not a normal day for me.

"She's here," I replied him, and the whole roof went crazy at my words. I watched as realization dawned on Jace, his eyes wide in shock before he quickly composed himself and sent a proud nod my way. Jace was older than me by two years and had already found his mate who was pregnant with his second child. I had always wanted to experience that bond with someone and if nobody didn't, Jace knew how much.

Unmated she wolves of different age groups where shrieking and screaming, giggles leaving some of them at the thought of being my mate. I paid them no mind and sniffed the air, trying to trace the scent to its rightful owner. Meeting her this morning had been a shock. I hadn't expected anyone to be out as early as I had been, yet alone to find my mate then and there. The image of her wolf was imprinted in my mind. I couldn't get her soft silvery fur away from my thoughts for more than a second. I had heard a lot about white wolves but never knew they existed.

The only downside to meeting her was that I hadn't gotten to see her in human form; I had no idea what she looked like. I scanned the crowd quickly, dismissing the looks of disappointment etched on the faces of a few girls as my eyes roamed past them. Towards the back was where I found her and just as I had expected, she was different. She was the only unmated female in the room of almost five hundred members who wasn't focused on me. Her eyes were downcast but I noticed the slight tremble of her body, waves of pleasure most likely hitting her in full force as it was for me at the thought of a soon human encounter.

She had a wavy mess of whitish grey hair in a messy do which she seemed to pull off effortlessly. She was a small petite girl but a very curvy one at that. Her large sweater hid her body from me but already I could imagine the feel her soft baby like flesh moving smoothly between my fingers.

As if noticing my gaze for the first time, her head snapped up to meet mine and I gulped in the presence of a woman who wasn't my mother for the first time in my life. She radiated a certain beauty that would make one want to get close. Her eyes which were currently flashed like mine were yellow with black dilated pupils as would be in wolf form. A small pocket nose, full pink lips, sleek dark eyebrows and light freckles made up her milk skinned face and I felt an arousal stir within me. She was mine.

I growled before jumping off the stage, a warning for no one to get close to me causing gasps and murmurs to break out from the crowd, all the while my eye contact with her never breaking. I was sensitive to the quick movements of her pulse and the increased beats of her heart since I was focused solely on her. "Be careful," Jace warned me through the pack link, referring to the mass of females that eyed me as though they might tear me up.

I gave a nod in his direction to signal that I had gotten his message and made my way towards the back of the hall. The crowd parted for me like the red sea and I left a curious Cade looking after me on the stage, ignoring the looks of disbelief as I made my way towards the girl at the back of the roof.

In less than a second, I stood in front of her. There was no sugar coating it, I was freaking eager. This wasn't some shit movie were the guy acted nonchalant about meeting his girl; I had been waiting for her for too long for that. Her posture was stiff and she wrapped her arms tightly around herself while I stood in front of her, allowing my large frame to shield us away from prying eyes. There was only silence between us and gradually, her eyes returned back to normal, exposing her blue vulnerable irises that peered at me through long lashes.

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