A Recovery and A Surprise.27.

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"C-come on, you-you can d-do it."

November clasped my arm encouragingly, smiling down at me. My mum, Jace, Cooper and the Pack Doctor stood a little behind her, looking at me expectantly.

It had been four days since I was poisoned by the rogues with wolfs bane and each day has been restless and agitating. On the first day when I had tried to get up to get the glass of water November kept on the desk for me, I had surprisingly collapsed and it didn.t take me a few seconds to realize I could barely feel my legs. My body had been too weak to hold my weight up.

I had been bedridden for the past few days and if not for November who barely ever left my side, her big blue eyes making me want to get better quickly, and my friends and family coming in to check up on me, I probably would have fallen into some sort of sick depression. Being stuck in a bed for more than a day and doing nothing. I hadn't done it in a long time and even those years back, it hadn't been because I couldn't get up.

"Come on sweetie, you can do it," my mom smiled at me and Jace came forward to hold my other arm in an attempt to stabilize me before I stood. The doctor decided this morning that it was time for me to start walking again and truly, it was a bit nerve racking. Most of the bruises on my body had completely disappeared and for the past few days, the doctor had kept me on a strict diet to help me regain my strength which November had made sure I kept to.

Two days ago, I was filled with rage and the urge to kill. I wanted to lash out and break bones. Spill blood and spill organs. Knowing I had been injected was something. Accepting the fact that I had been brought down by rogues who injected me with wolfs bane was another thing. Jace had promised me that every one of them was dead but one who had been kept in the cells underground so we could get information from him but that wasn't enough. I half wanted more to come so I could kill every one of them, crack their bloody skulls and relish my kills.

I wanted to beat up every one, maybe even Jace who had been by my bedside at that moment. It wasn't until November came into the room and our gazes locked that I felt myself deflate. My anger was misplaced. I had admitted to myself then and to no one else that I was embarrassed to have been knocked down by a bunch of filthy mutts.

Now, I was embarrassed to disappoint everyone in the room if I wasn't able to walk.

I stood up carefully and a hush seemed to fall amongst them. I allowed most of my weight to rest on Jace and November slowly let go of me. The air was tense and Jace was starting to release his hold on me. He cautiously let go of my arm from around him and everyone watched as I tried to take my first step. I felt tingles on my leg and few strikes of pain indicating that blood was flowing through and I breathed out a sigh of relief now standing on my own.

I moved slowly towards November who was moving back and gesturing warmly for me to follow. Ignoring the tingles, I did so and few words of encouragement were thrown my way from the other people in the room. Each step seemed to help me get my balance more and before I knew it, I was striding as though there hadn't been a problem before. Once I had reached her without much difficulty, a small cheer erupted from them all. My gaze was focused on November alone and she gave me a bright and teary eyed smile. Her hands were clasped in glee as she stared at me and I was more grateful than I was willing to admit in front of everyone here.

She barely ever left my side during this whole ordeal. She slept and woke up with me, fed me in the first two days when I was too weak to move parts of my body, watched carefully as the Pack Doctor tended to my wounds so she could do the same. She had done this and many more and I knew exactly what I would do to make it up to her.

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