The House and Miss Iris .12.

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The crisp modern property was large and beautiful. I found myself covering my mouth with the back of my palm. The expansive use of marble enhanced the sheer balustrades and barely there invincible curves .I placed my palms on the clear window glass with longing and I could literally feel drool oozing from my lips. The glint and glimmer of spotlights made me know the house would spark into life as the night fell.

"Whoa," I couldn't help but to breathe out loud. Cooper smiled knowingly at me from the front seat but I was too shocked by my sightings to respond. I tugged at my glove nervously and Cooper got out of the car to escort me.

He opened the door for me and after I thanked him, we made our way towards the large metal gate. Cooper punched in a code into a small box next to it that I didn't notice and had his fingerprint scanned before the gate slid open.

I took a step back once I could get a clear look of the compound and my eyes grew wider. The property was surrounded by a beautiful garden and a large gazebo stood far down my right. There was a lot of open field and the air smelt of fresh wood. I didn't have enough time to look around because Cooper led me quickly to the front of the house. A beautiful oak door beheld us when we climbed the deck stairs, two sets of small tables and chairs on each corner with small lamps that were at the moment turned off.

Cooper pressed the intercom and conversed with someone behind the door while I continued to look around. It was already evening and very few birds lingered in the air. My attention was taken away from the vast landscape when a series of bolts being unlocked sounded. The door was thrown open in a matter of seconds and an old short black woman stood before us.

"Luna," she gushed, giving a short curtsy before rushing forward and tugging me into her frail arms for a firm hug. Not expecting her straightness or excitement, I stood baffled without responding to her hug and not used to getting so much attention.

She pulled back, her arms clutching my arms tightly while she looked me up and down. Her smile dropped noticeably and so did my heart.

Perhaps she thinks I'm not good enough.

"Oh no, no, no, this won't do," she exclaimed, tugging me behind her and into the house.

"Bye November."

I waved Cooper goodbye before the door slammed shut and she seemed unaware of my gaping mouth as I took in my surroundings. She dragged me towards a long flight of spiral stairs not allowing me to completely take in the house, muttering softly under her breath as she did so.

After quite a walk, she stopped us on a floor with about four rooms, all barricaded with mahogany doors but one. Before I couldn't clearly focus on my surroundings, she pushed me into one of the rooms, slamming the door on my shocked face.

"Your night clothes will be out the door, take your time sugar!" Her muffled voice came through the door and her footsteps followed after. I blinked once, or maybe it was twice in confusion, having no idea who the woman was.

I turned around to take a look at the room I had been rushed into without consent and noticed I was in a larger than normal bathroom. Different bath soaps face washes and oils of every brand I could think of decorated the bright wooden shelf. Next to it laid an open cupboard and inside it was numerous towels of different colors and sizes.

At the center of the room lay a large bathtub and I reveled in the thought of soaking my tired and heavy body in it. Too exhausted to think more or to ponder on whomever the old woman was, I picked a random liquid soap off the counter that smelled a lot like honey and stripped down sluggishly, tying my hair into a bun after doing so. I folded my clothes and placed them on the toilet seat, taking off my glove and casting my palm a doleful look before setting the glove amidst the rest of my clothes.

I made my way into the large tub and let the water run till it was up to my chin before turning off the faucet. Gingerly, I washed away the dirt from my body with the liquid soap, using my hands to rub down the respective places. Once I was done, I let the water drain and allowed myself to soak a few minutes in the new and clean water that filled the tub.

Today had been extremely tiring and all I wanted to do was sleep. Walking around Alpha Hunter's Pack House alone left me breathless and reminded me of just how powerful he was. He had the biggest territory in the Kingdom and was considered a very big deal. I really wanted to find a big bed and rest my weary body.

I turned off the tap, picking up the towel I put on the rack and rubbed myself dry, taking out the plug so the water could drain out. I stepped out of the cubicle with little water droplets that had managed to clutch to my hair falling helplessly.

I stood a bit confused on what to do next, clutching a little too tightly the towel to my chest. I knew my clothes would be out the door as the woman had none too subtly let me know but I couldn't help but worry that the minute I opened the door, someone would be there and would see me. I wasn't exactly body confident so anyone except myself seeing me naked sorta freaked me out.

Now don't get me wrong, it really has nothing to do with being seen exactly but I just don't believe that anyone seeing me in this position will be a pleasant sight. I've always been told that I'm slightly larger than most girls my age, on more than one occasion, girls such as Piper had even referred to me as fat although I knew it wasn't true but I also knew I wasn't skinny either. My chest in my opinion was way too big and I've always felt my hips were large.

I sucked in a deep breath and took what seemed like a risk to me to open the door. Peeking my head out nervously, I moved my head left to right and was pleased to see that the floor remained as empty as I had left it. As said, my night clothes were neatly folded on the floor along with a pair of my slippers and I quickly snatched my clothes off the floor and shut the door gently, not bothering anymore to lock it.

I let the towel pool around my feet and stepped out of it, quickly tugging on my light nightgown. I made my way towards a full length mirror and sat on a stool nearby, pulling on my glove before ransacking through a chest of drawers, letting my hair out of its tight bun to tumble down in messy waves.

Once I had found a comb, I went through the task of grooming my white mane, slipping my fingers through the locks carefully.

A knock on the door snapped me out of my close to dozing state and I muttered a soft, "Come in." I hadn't even realized I was dozing off. The same woman from earlier peeped into the room and from the mirror, I watched her smile before walking into the room.

"Luna," she bowed behind me and I blushed heavily. I don't think I could ever get used to hearing that.


"May I?" She gestured towards the comb that I had left on the dresser and I nodded. She picked it up and began to run the tails through my hair. The motion was soft and soothing and I was using everything in me to not fall asleep right at that moment.

"What's your name, child?" Her voice was soft and smooth and she had an Alabama dialect.


"Well November, you're presence has been very much awaited in this house."




Hey guys! Merry Christmas!!! This chapter is dedicated to my amazing and lit friend vintxgegrll1 because she rocks and she always reads my updates, plus she's helping me with my cast list. I love you guys and the picture above is Hunter (Theo James(my husband;)) Enjoy the chapter and be expecting another one soon.xx
Friday 25th December, 2015.
~Toluwalani Sowemimo

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