I Let Him Out.28.

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She pulled back confused just like I knew she would be and I smiled softly at her as she shined her soft baby blue eyes at me in misunderstanding.

"Thank you November," I repeated.

"You helped me more than you realize in my private infirmary. If it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't be out yet. Every waking moment you were with me, I drew energy not from the shots the Pack doctor gave me, or from the diet or from the anti-poisons, November I drew it from you. Being with you and knowing you were close by healed me."

I paused to cup her cheek where a light shade of red had dusted over and her eyes glistened while I forced my beast to back off from wanting her lustfully due to the tingles that danced up my frame.

"I wish there was a better way to express how grateful I am to have you because to me, this is just a small token. Just knowing you were at my bedside those past few days, willing me to get well was all the motivation I needed to do just that."

I tucked my head in between her head and shoulders, bending over to do so and breathed in her scent. Her small arms wrapped automatically around my frame and I held her tight in my embrace, my body shivering lightly in pleasure at our close proximity.

"I might not say this again for a long time November, because the cold truth about me is that I rarely ever get emotional. I haven't had a real reason to for a long time," I admitted to her.

"So telling you all of this isn't as easy for me as it seems," my head was still resting on her shoulder as I said all this but I preferred it this way for now so long as she didn't mind. It had been a long time I had felt this sort of emotion towards anyone and it wasn't easy letting out my feeling sometimes. The wall I had built up from tough experiences made it easy for me to not get too close to anyone but it was always hard when there was someone who managed to prove you wrong. Maybe it wasn't such a crime to trust a few people other than the ones you already do now and then.

I pulled back from her and wiped at a tear that threatened to drop and she shivered under my feather like touch. Her eyes followed my movement and I picked up her hand, holding it cautiously in mine, "How are you feeling?"

A small smile broke out on her face and she wiped at another tear that trailed under her chin with her gloved hand, "H-happy."

I cupped her chin and dropped a kiss on her forehead before stepping back, "Good. That's all I ever want you to be with me."





Nobody had ever said or done anything like this for me before and I meant what I said to him. I was happy, ecstatic even. All my life, I had always felt useless, like a blank page or an uncompleted sentence. I felt like there was really no reason for me being born and the only person who had ever tried to convince me otherwise was Olivia because she was the only one who had ever known how I truly felt. She had always told me she saw something ahead of me, something big that was coming my way but ever since then, the only big thing I had ever received were comments on how I was too big.

Although in Olivia's words, nothing big had happened yet, Hunter doing this was something I would never had dreamt of in a million years. Someone was letting me know that I was needed. I wasn't nothing and that maybe, just maybe I might be enough for someone. That doesn't mean the doubts weren't there but it was a relief to ignore them sometimes.

And perhaps a little part of me was hoping Hunter might kiss me then and there. It still wasn't something I was willing to admit and goddess knows I might have just fainted on the spot but wishful thinking was healthy every now and then.

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