Him and His Pack .10.

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"November, "I heard a voice whisper.

I groaned in response to the voice and the owner chuckled. My thoughts became foggy until I couldn't even remember what I had dreamt about and now I just lay lazily on whatever I was laying on, not wanting to get up.

I snapped out of my groggy state when tingles danced up my spine. I sat up in a flash, my eyes flying open to be faced with Alpha Hunter's warm and concerned brown ones. The heat flowing through my body was from Alpha Hunter's hand which was at the moment enclosing mine.

His face blocked my line of sight so I was free to openly stare at him. We were so close that I was sure if I moved any closer, I would feel the air from his nose fan in a caressing manner across my face. The silence between us was hopefully only temporary. We stared each other down, warm but edgy brown eyes to tired but curious blue ones, seemingly looking beneath the surface. I forgot to breathe looking at him.

What I did next would have earned me a sarcastic loud slap on the back.

I sniffed him.

The minute I did so, I pulled back immediately in alarm and embarrassment, willing myself to apologize but I was too shocked to speak. It was so difficult to not do what I had done, his scent was so heavenly and I could literally drink it in all day. He chuckled softly at me, a low deep hum that had parts of my body igniting up in ways I never knew it could.

The moment however was broken when I remembered what had happened between us in the Pack house and I looked away. He moved backwards, getting out of the car and sticking his hand out for me to take so that I could do the same. I noticed we were the only two in the vehicle meaning that the others must have already left us.

Still embarrassed about my actions, I avoided looking at him once I had gotten out of the car, dropping his hand the minute my feet touched the floor. It was a bit late in the morning which meant we had driven through the night.

I turned in the direction Alpha Hunter did and stifled a gasp at the sight that beheld me which was simply breathtaking. My jaw dropped in surprise, amazement and disbelief, and although I wasn't willing to admit it, a tinge of fear.

The size of the Pack House overwhelmed me. A nine story building stood haughtily in front of me, it's exterior designed with classic redbrick and square windows. It had a tall steel fence around the perimeter and I couldn't help but notice all the flowers that surrounded a gushing waterfall in a garden of tented hedges and plants and a small trail of petals that led to a pond.

Alpha Hunter cleared his throat and I snapped my head away from the scenery, blushing at being caught. His eyes held a bit of amusement and warmth and I found it so difficult to believe that he was the same person who had spoken to Piper, fought Alpha Cade and dissed me only a few hours before.

He stuck his hand out for me which I took hesitantly, not missing the smirk he threw me or the jolts that raced up my spine. I knew in that moment that whatever problem we had had before was gone. Even though I was still a bit septic, we were fine and that was all that mattered for now.




Stepping into the Pack House with Alpha Hunter must have been one of the most difficult things I had ever had to do. Everywhere I looked, flawless, literally perfect people stared back at me. It was physically blinding to look at such people who radiated beauty and screamed perfect, of course, none of them as good looking as Alpha Hunter. Pack members bowed their head in respect, eyes shining with a sort of adoration even I could understand. I trailed sluggishly behind Alpha Hunter like a lost puppy.

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