Packing and Leaving .8.

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My tears had dried a few minutes ago and I just lay limp in Melissa's arms. It felt so good to cry after so long, it reminded me sometimes that I had been strong for long enough. It wasn't even about Alpha Hunter anymore; it was about nothing and everything.

"Honey are you okay?" Melissa asked from above me. She continued to stroke my hair, slipping her fingers in a soothing manner through my locks.

I didn't reply her and continued to lay flaccid in her arms, all my energy having suddenly disappeared.

I heard her sigh before she raised me off of her and laid my back on the headboard next to her. She used her palm to stroke my cheek delicately and I leaned into her touch. Of all the caretakers I was going to miss, I was going to miss her the most. With that thought in mind, I blurted everything out to Melissa while she caressed my hand at intervals.

I poured out to her my conflictions for Alpha Hunter, how physically attracted I was finding myself to be to him but how scared of him I was as well. The new feelings coursing through me when he was around, including the recent physical desire was foreign to me and I wasn't sure how to feel about them yet.

I told her about how we were leaving tonight because Alpha Hunter had attacked Alpha Cade and she gasped, clutching both my hands in hers. It was inevitable that a female werewolf would move into her mate's Pack but so soon? I really wasn't bothered about leaving the Pack, but leaving the caretakers...that was going to be difficult. She promised to help me inform them once I left but I turned the idea down almost immediately she brought it up. These women were my life, they brought me up and I would be ill mannered and ungrateful if I left without a proper goodbye.

I shared with her my worries of going into Alpha Hunter's Pack. So far, he had been calm and collected but I feared that the moment we were truly alone together, he would reveal himself to me. The rumors were true, no doubt, and it was only a matter of time before he turned on me too. My fears as well as being rejected and humiliated in front of his Pack were quickly demolished by Melissa as she attempted to convince me otherwise but I brushed it off.

I exposed my dread of living with him per say he didn't reject me which in my mind was highly unlikely. I would not be able to live up to his standards. As an Alpha and a Royal, he was raised with a platinum spoon in his mouth, his life filled with riches and luxuries. I however was raised in a kitchen and my whole existence was enveloped with hand-me-downs.

The sudden thought that he might want to meet my parents crossed my mind and I let out a tiny squeak, using the back of my palm to cover my mouth.

"My p-parents," I managed to gasp out to Melissa, hating how weak my stutter made me sound. "What if he asks to m-meet my parents?" The thought itself made me nauseous and I cradled my head out of habit.

Melissa cupped my cheeks and pulled me close, "I've already handled that for you honey, please, and calm down."

I nodded not in the right state of mind to ask what Melissa had told him. I couldn't find it in me to care what she had said, so long as she had said something.

Back when my parents died and we were all settled in the Pack house a few weeks after the war, I had begun to question everyone about my parents. No one believed me when I said there was a war; no one remembered it and everyone told me I was lying about it. It was odd to me that I seemed to be the only one in the whole Pack who was aware of what had happened those few weeks ago and going to school had been hard. I was called names and picked on because everyone believed I had my own fantasy land in my head. I knew I wasn't making it up because I had a fire burn on my hand although I didn't know what degree it was at. Over the years it had faded to a scar and I kept it covered with a glove because my Pack members were so hateful, they could say I purposely put my hand in fire to make my story more believable.

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