Secrets and Chloe.20.

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"Hunter, you can't let her find out without some tact on your part. There's a reason she's so reserved. She's been through a lot and I need you to be there for her okay?"

"I get it mum." I furrowed my eyebrow as they spoke managing to get only a few phrases. Hunter looked completely frustrated repeatedly using his fingers to comb through his hair. Mrs. Black looked deeply concerned and I was extremely confused. Could they be talking about me?

"Your father kept this from everyone but me, I don't want you to-"

Before I could hear any more, my body did something I had no control over... I sneezed. I mean how did I not see this coming? I read enough novels to know that this happens to almost everybody who eavesdrops.

Both Hunter and his mum snapped their head to meet me and the first thing I thought of was to run away but I had done enough of that to last me a lifetime. So instead I sucked in a deep breath and faced the music.

I didn't bother pretending like I hadn't been listening. Instead, I bowed my head down in shame and walked into the room because common sense already alerted me that what I had done was wrong.

"I'm sorry"

There was no need for beating around the bush with me. I don't normally say much but when I do, it's usually straight to the point.

"I sh-shouldn't have eaves dr-dropped and I'm sorry. I promise I d-didn't hear much," and that was the truth. The little I heard made no sense to me anyways.

Mrs. Black sighed and Hunter gestured for me to come towards him. I tentatively did and he languidly pulled me down on his legs, wrapping his arms tightly around me. I blushed at the foreign feeling and his mum cooed softly before getting back to business.

"You were bound to find out anyway dear."

She sighed, sitting up straighter in her chair.

"How has Cade been?" She asked me with genuine concern. Cade? As in Alpha Cade? Why would she be asking about him? Hunter gave a growl behind me and his mum shot him a look that cut him off immediately. Most likely she was aware of him attacking him.

"Al-alpha C-"

Hunter cut off my question with a snarl and I quickly rephrased, catching on to the fact that he wasn't too fond of me referring to Alpha Cade as my Alpha.

"Cade?" She nodded with genuine concern decorating her features and I was at a loss for words. Cade had made my life a living hell for as long as I could remember and here was someone who was worried about him instead of me. The urge to shout and protest the unfairness of it was strong but I pushed it down with a gulp.

"Okay. H-he's okay."

She nodded and a relief I didn't understand took over her features.

She stood up with her bag soon after she had asked me a few questions about my old Pack although I had no idea why. She also asked me a bit about myself and I tried my best to avoid the topic of my parents and my low position at the Pack.

"I must take my leave now."

Hunter grunted out a reply that vibrated through the surface of my body because his face was pressed on my back and I could feel his rough stubble through the shirt I had on.

"Well then I will leave Hunter to explain everything to you sweetheart." She moved towards us and I looked at her confused.

"Ex-explain what to me?" I tried to turn around to meet Hunter's gaze but he kept me put. Mrs. Black used her hands to hoist me up, pulling me away from Hunter who let out a grunt of disapproval. She ignored my question and looked me square in the face.

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